c.b. | dad

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[i got this idea from riverdale, veronica lodge. so basically it's like your dad was rich, and of course you are rich but then everyone hates your dad because of everything and he does around the upper east side!!! okay yeah whatever. and also the main here is, your dad is dying.]

"what is it mom?" you asked your mom. she sat beside you on your bed and she sighs. "honey, the main reason why your dad and i went to uk was not about business but about a doctor." your eyebrows furrowed. "spill it out mom." you mumbled. "your dad is sick. he is very ill. he has a cancer." your eyes widened and hugs your mom. you both cried.

"it's gonna be fine mom. your gonna be fine. everything's gonna be fine mom." you said while you were comforting her. after a while you got of off your bed and went to school. [let's pretend that carter was in the school too]. of course same thing, study & stuffs.

now it's time to go home. serena wanted to have fun at her place so you all went there. while eating some snacks and laughing about stuffs, serena noticed that you were quiet. "y/n? are you okay? you've been quiet for like whole day?" you just smiled. "yeah? why?" you asked. "probably about carter baizen." blair said and speaking of the devil, he finally came. "i heard my name again, blair." he muttered and he sat next to you giving you a kiss.

"can we talk?" you whispered at him and he just nodded. you took him at one of the guest room that serena has. you locked the door and pushed him on the bed. he smirks and lick his lips. "hmm, seems like you've missed me." he mumbled as you kissed him. then he broke the kiss, "oh okay." he laughs. you rolled your eyes, "no talking, more touching." you said and kissed him again.

a few minutes later you two were laying in bed breathless and naked. "wow. it's the first time that you were the one who started it. hmm, what happened?" he asked you. "what? nothing. didn't you like it? me being the boss?" he chuckled and pulled you closer, "baby. it's just not you. like, really not you." you rolled your eyes and kissed him again. "shut up." you chuckled.

3 days have gone by. you have been like this to carter and carter isn't biting it. he knew that something was wrong with you. so until this one night, he decided to have a sleep over with you and you were about to kiss him but he stops you. "baby, listen. tell me, what is happening to you?" you furrowed your eyebrows, "nothing's wrong with me." you said and pull him closer and kissed him but then he broke the kiss.

"love, stop. i am your boyfriend, i will always believe in you, listen to you, understand you. or whatever. just tell me, please." you then sighs and looked down. there it is tears. "hey? hey. baby why you crying?" he asked so worried and lifting your chin. "he's dying, carter." you sobbed onto his shoulder. "w-who's dying?" he asked. "my dad. he has a cancer." he sighs and broke the hug.

"i'm always here. always." then you looked down again. thinking of another problem. "everyone hates my dad, carter and one of them is you. i'm just scared that when everyone knew about this. they'll probably gonna go have a party, celebrating that he's dying. i'm scared that, that will make him go more weaker." he let out a breath and kissed your forehead.

"love. none of that will happen. they might hate your dad but i think they'll still have mercy." then you scoffed. "carter, my dad killed multiple people but still? he's not in jail. and that's what you called mercy?" carter just sighs and hugs you again. "we're gonna be okay. just always remember that i'm always here, forever. i'll never leave your side, baby. i love you." you kissed him and whispered, "i love you too baby."

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