james buchanan | war

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I was staring at my boyfriend and to my best friend who's getting ready to leave me here all alone. James and Steve were both soldiers and yes they love leaving me here. "Doll, we're going in about 10 minutes." I woke up from my daydream as James called me. I sighs and didn't notice that I was crying. "Doll, don't cry. We will be back." James said as he sat beside me and back hugged me.

"Y/N, we will be back. I promise that to you. We promise that to you." Then Steve spoke. I wiped my tears away and hugged James. "James Buchanan Barnes, promise me to come back alive! And not just you! But you too Steven Grant Rogers!" I exclaimed. They both chuckled and Steve kneeled to face me. "We promise that, Y/N." He mumbled.

"Okay we gotta go. See you soon, love." James said as he kissed my lips passionately and Steve hugged me. They both left, and here I am. All alone, thinking if they were going home alive.

. * . * . * .

Months have passed and no James nor Steve are on my doorstep. I missed them, I really fucking do. A lot of What If's are on my mind such as, What If they don't come back anymore? What If they found a new Y/N there? A better one?!


I gasped as I heard a loud knock on my door. I rolled my eyes and stood up to open it. Who would've knock on my door? At this late? Freaking alie— "FUCK YOU BOTH OH MY GOD!" Was all I could say as I saw my two babies in front of me as I opened my door. They both giggled and hugged me. "Wow, what a curse huh?" Steve said laughing at me. "I was shocked what do you expect me to do?" I muttered.

Meanwhile, James is just there staring at me while smiling. "Well I gotta go to my room because I wanted to have some nap time. See you later lovebirds." Steve said as he left. Yes he is living here too because this is an apartment for 4 people.

"Hey there, Doll." I smiled and hugged him. I cried again but at least not on pillows. "Why are you still crying? I'm already here." He asked while breaking the hug to wipe my tears. "What if you're only a ghost? Or maybe this is a dream?" I sobbed again. "Hey, Doll! That's a ridiculous what if." He giggled. "I am here now. I will always be here, forever in your heart. We will make breakfast together again, we will kiss again, we will hug each other every damn time again, we will cuddle, and finally you can wear this but that depends on you."

He sat in a proposal way and put out a velvet box. He opened it and revealing a beautiful ring. What the fuck?! "Do you want to be Mrs. Barnes?" He asked. I nodded and put it on. He hugs me so tight and we kissed. "Then what's next? Babies." He mumbled into my ears and I giggled.

sebastian stan imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora