bucky barnes | problem

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In all the Avengers, you are the one who's very clumsy, noisy & the joker aside from Scott. But today is different, you are very quiet, sad & not even talking for the whole damn day. All of them are very confused and sad because you were sad, but especially for your boyfriend. He thought that he made something that makes your mood set off. But what is really your problem?

"Baby, can you please tell me why are you so quiet?" Bucky demanded. You are both on your room while you were laying down and scrolling through Netflix. "Babe, did I do something?" You quickly looked at him. "What? No." You mumbled turning your head back to the Netflix.

"Stop that and talk to me, Y/N." His voice was very husky & deep- in short scary. He was serious this time and you know that it's serious when he calls you by your first name. "What now, Buck?" You asked. He rolled his eyes and sat across you. "You are very quiet all day and you are not talking to me." You furrows your eyebrows, "Aren't we talking now?" He rolled his eyes again and groaned, "That's not what I meant! And you know what it is." You took a deep breath and looked down.

You were staring at your fingers until you have the guts to tell him. But before you do, you cried. "Hey? What happened???" Bucky quickly asked reaching your face. "My dad? He- He cheated on my mom." His eyes widened. "I'm so sorry." He said and hugs you so tight. You then cried so hard onto his shoulder. "Hey hey, you'll be fine okay?" He said as he rubs his arms on your back. "Just don't do it to me. I swear to God, I'm not like my mother James. I can clearly break your bones." You then broke the hug and he chuckles.

"I wouldn't do such thing, baby." He smiled and kissed you. Later on you two decided to get up and eat dinner with them. You are still quiet and all of them wanted to ask you but doesn't have the guts. "So how was your day- e-everyone?" Tony asked stammering while glancing at you.

"We're fine." A lot of everyone responded until Steve asked. "Hey? You've been quiet all day long. Something wrong?" Everyone faced you and you just sighs. "Uhm. Maybe, maybe I can tell you when I'm ready?" You stammers. "Okay, we respect that and whatever that is, you're strong- you can make it." Nat said. You just smiled and mouthed a thank you.

Later on you are on your room and Bucky isn't with you. He is on his room, until when you are about to sleep someone knocked. You stood up and opened it, revealing your huge thicc boyfriend. "Hi." He mumbled smiling. Without a word you just hugged him. "I know that you need me right now. I love you." He kissed on top of your head.

Cuddling, that what makes everything okay. Bucky is the big spoon. "I'm just so thankful that you're here. I love you damn much, Bucky." He chuckles and kisses your forehead. "And I love you forever, baby. I mean that."

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