b.b. | 8 letters

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I always loved being a normal human. I always got the chance to have a normal life like normal humans do, but suddenly life changed—my life rather.

When I was 19 years old I got this party that I needed to attend. It was my best-friend's birthday party in Malibu. I got there and had fun of course, teenagers now a days.

Then I went home by myself. I was so unlucky because there were no signal and I couldn't get an Uber, then there's no Taxi. So I had to walk in the woods.

While walking, there's this so fucking bright light that literally so bright. I had to close my eyes. Until I heard an explosion and it hit me so bad.

The next morning I woke up in the woods, still wearing what I was wearing last night and I looked everywhere, there were no destroyed trees or whatsoever, I got so confused.

I went home and got changed. Until I noticed something on my right index finger. There is a scar, which I never had. It is a scar formed into lightning, like the flash. It's on the left side of my finger and it's not that big so I didn't mind it.

Then later that night I got this feeling, it's very disturbing. My head was literally hurting, I felt my bones shaking. I got up and felt dizzy. I called my Mom and she helped me to get in the Hospital.

As soon as I get to the Hospital, I vomited a lot. My mom and the doctors were scared because it has blood. They did something to me that night.

I just woke up in a room. Then the doctors said that I'm fine so I can go home. Me and my Mom went home and there it all started.

As I went down the car, my mom accidentally closed the door where my hand was and it didn't hurt. Literally didn't. I got so confused of course.

Then 2 days later, I went home at 10pm because I had this group study at my friends. After I reached the house, I knew that someone broke in. I panicky ran inside the house.

Then I don't know, I just KNEW that someone's gonna attack me from behind so I started to fight him. I don't even know where I learned that. Then secondly, after I beat this shit's ass, there was another shit who's gonna fire a gun at me.

Shockingly, everything went slow motion. I saw the bullet and I just tried to touch it and it worked, I'm now holding the bullet. I was so confused that day.

Ever since that day, I lost a mother and I gained a power. I figured out that I have an extra-human abilities. I'm like a steel, I don't get hurt physically but mentally & emotionally, yes.

I can make everything in slow motion before I attack. And yeah that's it. Today I'm known as Athena, that is because of the wonderful Iron Man himself. He named me as Athena because, Athena in Greek is a Goddess of of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. She got a lot and knows a lot, the reason why he named me as Athena. Because I know a lot, which is true.

I'm not yet an Avenger, well I don't want YET. They've been convincing me to be one but I'm not yet ready. I'm not yet ready to show myself to the world.

Anyways I think you already know me so well. Oh shoot I forgot, I'm 27 years old by the way. I'm now living in Avengers Tower with the rest. I got here 7 years ago, they found me beating some uncultured alien so yeah.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Wanda said. Me, Wanda, Steve, Nat and Sam are here in the living room at 1am playing some dumb games. The rest are already sleeping so we had to keep quiet.

"I'm in." Nat said and followed by the rest. I'm just here drinking some apple juice, watching them. Then they begged me to play.

"Okay fine." I chuckles. Nat started to roll the empty bottle and it ends to Steve. Nat chuckles and asked, "Truth or Dare?"

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