sebastian stan | everything i wanted

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song series IV
(Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish)

Sebastian and I are sitting across each other while the weather is having it's wonderful rain. The chimney is open and my beautiful boyfriend is staring at me.

"So what's your gift?" He asked and I smiled. I got my little keyboard and started playing. I've been making this song for a while now and finally, I made it. It is titled as "Everything I Wanted."

Sebastian smiled and he even put out his phone to take a video of me singing and playing. I smiled while singing and when the song ended, he stopped recording and I took a deep breath.

"Alright, I'm gonna explain everything about the song." I said and he just hummed in a response.

"You know that I've been dealing with my dreams lately? Well not dreams but nightmares. [he nods] So one time I had the most scariest nightmare I've ever had. The nightmare about when I die and everyone wasn't paying attention, even caring that I was gone." I stopped because I saw his face so worried.

"Baby..." He said. I smiled, "Then there's this one man who never left and who believed in me. The one who only cared of them all. And that was you, Sebastian. You are that one man who  believed and cared when everyone didn't pay any attention that I was gone."

"Of course I would never ever not pay attention when you're gone. I mean- no I can't." He mumbled. "Then on chorus part, do you remember when you texted me this." I showed him my phone.

It was that one time when I told him about my nightmare and then all about my problems, I was also having this huge anxiety where I hate myself- whatever. He wasn't by my side because he was away filming, thank God the time didn't match because he was in other country and I woke up in the middle of the night.

sebybaby :
As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. Don't wanna lie here, but you can learn to. If I could change the way that you see yourself. You wouldn't wonder why you hear "they don't deserve you". Baby, I'm always here. Always. I love you.

Then he nods and his eyes widened. "Yeah! The chorus part. Baby you are so amazing, I love you very much." He said as he stood up and hugs me. "I love you too, Seb. I really do." Then he kisses me.

"Just like what I said. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. No one can." He mumbled. God, thank you for giving me this man. He truly deserves the world.

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