Them as quotes from A Very Potter Musical

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Maven: "You think killing people might make them like you, but it doesn't! It just makes people dead"

Cal: "It was left to me by my dad, my dad that's dead. My father is dead. I have a dead father."

Shade: "Do you know who I think is the ugliest girl in school? Hermione Granger. You know what I'd give her on a scale of one to ten, with one as the ugliest and ten as the prettiest? I'd give her an 8... 8.5... or a 9... but not... NOT over a 9.8. Because there is always room for improvement. Not everyone is perfect, like me. I'm holding out for a 10. Because I'm worth it."

Kilorn: Dumbledore: "Did your turban just sneeze?" Quirrell: " was simply a fart" *Voldemort sneezes again* "I simply farted once more."

Mare: "Actually I have heard those things, Harry, about a thousand times, but never have they been told to me with so much sass. Drop the attitude, Harry Potter. You are acting like Garfield on a Monday."

Cameron: "If I had an invisibility cloak I'd use it so I'd never have to face my own reflection in the mirror."

Evangeline: Good! I'll be in the drawing room, painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces."

Farley: "Mrs. Granger, you have to have learned by now that when one of you has gots a problem, all three of you has gots a problem. What would Zac Efron say at a time like this? 'We're all in this together...'"

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