Can I just...rant.

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Melody, sweets, go away.

__mel. Love. Go away. I'll block you.__

Okay. So, if you've read WS, then you know that Maven died. But what all led to his death?

1) Mare is selfish. We all know this, and it's most obvious in RQ. She wanted both of them, and wanted the scarlet guard, and wanted freedom. She can't have all of that. She kissed Cal, and didn't expect Elara or ANYONE TO FUCKING SEE IT? Wtf. Mare. Sweetie. Also, i love the SG. I do. But why would she join it if...oh you dumbass. Elara kNoWs. And that's what made Maven want to do it in the first place. You didn't know what was happening in his head, you underestimated him. And you got a face full of....💩

2) she was so mean to him. I've met Maven haters, I've been called a bad person. But at the same time, Mare was almost always mean to Maven in some way or another, never facing the fact that his death and everything that happened before it was her fault. I reread RQ and sobbed, because Maven could have been so happy, if she hadn't been fucking around. She could have been happy. Maven did it as revenge, because you couldn't keep your hands off his brother and you didn't see the pain in everything he did. You had no idea!

Oh shit, I'm talking to a book character.

I think the rant should stop now,'s getting out of hand. Comment your opinion.

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