KilornxReader AU

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You sat with Kilorn as he cried. It was second nature for you to take care of him.

"It's like...I can't feel anything, but I feel everything all at once. I'm broken but together all at once. I'm angry and sad and confused all at once." He sobbed. You had already put your phone on silent. This was his time. Not anyone else's. His head rested on your lap, and you smoothed his hair.

He kept talking, "I find it hard to trust, because in all these words, there's words in them right? An us in trust an if in life a lie in believe an end in friend. An over in lover. I feel feel like something's wrong, you know. Like the people who invented language knew that humans were fucked up creatures. That humans would figure this out an think like I do. It's like I'm waiting for something that will never I've felt so much that I can't feel anything at all anymore. And it's consuming, you know? It's breaking. It's shattering. IT'S SUFFOCATING! AND ALL I WANT TO TO IS FUCKING BREATHE. All I want to is..." sobs won't let him continue. You shut your eyes for a minute or so, and then you kiss him.

You kissed him, and it surprised you both. You two weren't a couple, you two weren't a thing. You were friends.

But he kissed back, and the tears stopped as he pulled you on top of him. His skin tasted of salt water, from the wall you two had taken on the beach earlier. His hair smelled like sand. His eyes reminded you of emeralds, and they looked at you as you two kissed. He never once closed them. He looked the entire time as your hands found his shirt, and pulled it off. He watched as he did the same with your shirt. He watched as you kissed him once again, and as you kissed down his neck.

"You sure, Y/N?" He asks, and you try your best to reply no. This wasn't what you wanted. This wasn't what you needed.

But you did want it. But you did need it. You wanted him more than you had wanted anyone else in your entire life.

"I'm sure." You muttered and connected your lips again.

~imma be that bitch~

"Y/N!" Cal yelled. It had been a year since you and Kilorn hooked up, and things hadn't been the same since. You two saw each other in a different light, and you would never be the same. You two were still friends, but you didn't talk to one another alone. It couldn't be trusted that you wouldn't...that he wouldn't...

No one knew about that night, no one would ever know about that night that you touched Kilorn.

But today, he pulled you into the hallway.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you."


So, I thought I would do something new.

What should you do?

A: kiss Kilorn but don't get steamy
B: kiss Kilorn but DO get steamy
C: push him away
D: agree to try to be 'just friends again"
E: tell him that we can be together like BF and GF.

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