My Opinions (feel free to @ me)

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This includes spoilers for everything. DoN't rEaD iF yOU aREn'T rEaDy tO fIghT mE:

Red Queen and Kings Cage were the best books in the series.

Iris's chapters were so boring bc she was annoying.

Iris is probably asexual.

cal is a cinnamon roll with no dynamics and bad decisions.

kilorn is not  a pedophile. (cough go tell that to amelia)

Maven's chapters were weak.

So were Cal's.

Kilorn's love confession did absolutely nothing for the plot other than make him a jealous lil turd.

Maven didn't die. We saw no body.

Farley was the realest character in the book.

Cameron's abduction was necessary.

Shade's death was necessary.

Iris was not necessary.

Farley should have had chapters instead of iris.

Elara was the main villain in the series, not maven.

Maven was just as victimized as everyone else.

Mare started an entire continental war bc she couldn't keep her lips to herself and stay away from the sg while a whole whisper was in her dumbass head.

mare was so annoying.

bree and tramy did nothing for the plot

julian was a good person, even tho he sided with cal

anabell can suck mah asshole

Elara had to die

Maven isn't dead. Maven can not be dead.

Okay...I''m done.


Feel free to debate.

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