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Maven: hello?

Maven: hello?!

Maven: anyone?

Mare: bro this chat been dead

Maven: but-but i made this chat

Mare: which is why we left.

cal: yeah...

Maven: ya'll do me dirty.

Cal: well

Mare: you've never really been nice

Maven: touché


So. It's been a while. And here are a few reasons updating has become very infrequent.

1)School is so...difficult. I'm hardly passing Algebra 2, English 2 has an essay every 5 seconds, I'm busy learning french...choir has become more of a responsibility than an activity. I'm also trying my best to get a Drama club at school, and it's nearly November, meaning they may postpone it till next year even though I've been working my fucking ass off.

2) My mental health has been deteriorating at a rapid pace. My aunt passed in September, and my parents and I have been fighting and my grades and school...anyway I've compared myself to the woman in the LIFE ALERT commercial, where I'm constantly falling down the stairs, but there's no button to come and get me and the Suicide hotline textline really fucking sucks and its just ugh and i'm just ugh and life in general is just fuckin ugh

On the other hand, here is a brief update on life in general.

I'm writing a play, connor's being weird, i've put my novel on hold, i updated my mac, i got my report card, (2 A's, 2 B's and 1 C) apparently i act/dress like a dude, my mom has forced band aids onto my thumbs until i break my habit of picking my cuticles until i'm bleeding, my gf's cute, i cleaned my room, apparently i need to broaden my readings, i can write a hell of an essay until i reach the conclusion, i didn't fail algebra, i went to the fair, my dad and i are back on speaking terms, i turned in my proposal to the schoolboard, im sorry i humped sholomon the chance was right there and i took it, my man voice comes out every day in choir and i am breathing, and sometimes i wish i wasn't


good day m8s

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