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A brother sat on either side of her. She shuddered, her hands resting on her knees, fingers dancing. She chuckled nervously at their nonchalant banter, as if nothing was due to happen in a few minutes. She was barely dressed underneath the black trench-coat, red lace hardly covering her breasts and hips. And then they arrived. Maven stepped out first, his black boots hitting the asphalt quietly, almost silently. Mare stepped out second, and Cal last. They walked into the building, Cal and Maven handing the doorman their jackets. The man offered to take Mare's but she shook her head, declining.

They walked towards the elevator, Cal's steps heavy and steady. She didn't hear anything but those shoes hitting the cold floor, her quick breaths. If she listened closely, she could hear Maven's hand comb through his hair. She could hear everything, despite the blood rushing in her ears. Seeing was the hard part. Her vision seemed blurred by anticipation. Maybe they were tears. Maybe it was her head, fucking with her.

Either way, she couldn't see like usual. Maven's hand rested on her forearm now, guiding her away from the column she was about to walk into. She muttered a quick apology, and he let out a soft chuckle. They all stepped onto the elevator, Cal's finger pressing their floor. The slight whirring noise of their ascending journey to the 27th floor. She could hear her heartbeat. The steady rhythm. Dum da dum da dum da dum.

The numbers were growing closer and closer to 27. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. Twenty-seven was there then, and the three of them stepped off the elevator. Her steps were heavier then, she could hear them over both Cal and Maven's. Cal lead the way, the room not far from the hallway. 2745 was the room number, the sound of the key-card slipping in and then out of the lock. The room was large, but not a suite. There was a huge bed in the middle of it, all made up and pretty.

Steps. She heard Maven's steps as he walked into the room, going into the bathroom. She heard the water running, the sink. She heard him clear his throat, his steps getting closer and closer to the door. She heard the doorknob. And then she saw him through the haze. The door was open, his big blue eyes looking at her. She heard Cal's fingers fumble with his boots, untying the laces. She heard a lot of things, but she couldn't see very well. There was a haze. A haze of anticipation. And then she heard her footsteps, she felt her legs moving.

Cal was behind her then, hands on her shoulders. His hands on either side of her torso. Close to her. Closer, there was no space between them, other than their clothes. Her shudder. His breath. She heard the motion that his sure fingers made, his palms against the fabric. Hands underneath her neck, she heard her breath quicken. His fingers unbuttoned the first few buttons of the coat, swift nimble movements that she felt more than heard. His fingertips brushing against her collarbones, swift. She felt it, he burned her skin, she was on fire. Her pulse was on fire, burning her neck and her thighs and her wrists. Her forearm. Her blood was on fire.

(that's not all of it, but it's a sneak peak)


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