Texts To Follow the Last Chapter

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The Conversation Has come back together

Shade: that was a low blow

Cal: damn, ma

Mare: I-

Mare: I don't know where that came from

Shade: that was uncalled for

Evangeline: yes it was

Shade: so uncalled for

Mare: it's his fault you're dead

Farley has entered the chat

Farley: stop! with! the! offensive! jokes!

Cal: yeah, who are you, Bo Burnham?

Shade: I die?

Cal: what? NOOOOO

Maven: nope

Cal: nerp

Farley: nope

Evangeline: wait...is he stuck in GS era?

Shade: what book exists now?

Maven: holy fuck

Cal: holyyyyyy fuck

Shade: DO I DIE

Cal: ..no

Shade: I die don't I

Mare: ...

Cal: no

Cameron: yes.

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