First Guy

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This is meant to be awkward. Moments are meant to be cringey. It's Cal of all people, getting with a guy for the first time. And Kilorn, who has to explain what comes next and how to do it. This is going to be cringey. And awkward. DON'T LEAVE. IT'S FAIRLY DECENT. IT'S NOT TWELVE YEAR OLD SMUT. YA'LL KNOW I HAVE A little BIT OF TALENT. Not really. But it's cutely awkward in my opinion. Awkward as in, Kilorn as to tell Cal how to do everything, extreme detail. That's what I mean by awkward. Shit. Please don't leave. I've been working on this for a while. PlEaSe sTaY. Don't do me like you did me with that Camlorn smut I worked so hard on and hardly any of you voted for it. (assholes) But it's Cal's first time with a guy. That's how first times go. But it's the most I've ever written and I'm proud of it. Thus, I must admit it. Cal is most likely me if I ever had a dick in my face. You don't know what I'm talking about yet. You will know, and hopefully I am not alone. Keep this noted in your brain as you read, and when the situation comes up (around 5000 words in), comment like 'ooooh i get it' even if you don't. I refuse to ever be alone in this situation.

Kilorn sat with Mare at their usual spot. They sat on the grass, eating their lunch. He sat criss crossed, his high waisted jeans riding low. They were talking about their classes, his major in social sciences and her major in mathematics. She pushed her glasses up on her nose, frames she wore for fashion choices. Kilorn had laughed when he first saw them, questioning her choices, or her just trying to look smart. He ran his fingers through his hair, noting the chipped polish. I'll have to fix that later, he thought to himself. Soon their lunch was over, and they were standing to go back to their separate dorms. Kilorn was roommates with a dark kid named Maven who wasn't half bad if you looked past his I'm stuck in 2005 fashion choices.

Once they parted ways, Kilorn made his way down his hall. Room 405, Maven Calore and Kilorn Warren. Kilorn pushed open the door, revealing a shirtless Maven. He was sprawled across their sofa, his head on Thomas's lap. Thomas was stroking Maven's hair, his honeyed fingers running through the black locks. Maven had a psychology text book open over his abdomen, pages going unread.

"It reeks of gay in here," Kilorn said through a grin, flopping down on the bottom bunk. He kicked off his black vans, revealing a pair of mismatched socks. Maven laughed at Kilorn's remark, rolling his eyes.

"It only reeks of gay because you live here. If I do recall, you are the gayest person in this room," Maven retorted, all while linking his fingers with Thomas's. Thomas smiled slightly at the remark, his gray eyes landing on Kilorn. Kilorn rolled his eyes at the come-back. He understood what Maven was saying, but it was ironic. Maven and Thomas were both bisexual, but they had to have been the gayest of the gays.

Kilorn rolled over onto his stomach, his jeans riding even lower on his hips. His shirt didn't reach his hips, showing off his belly-button and a bit of lean muscle in his lower abdomen. He knew they could see his underwear, and he was at the point where he didn't care. But they still snickered at his lacy panties.

"Honestly, Ki, I don't understand how you wear those. Do you have balls at all?" The question fell from Thomas's lips, earning a laugh into the pillow from Kilorn, along with a middle finger. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.


Cal walked into his brother's room, only to find Maven and Thomas making out on the black sofa. They were both shirtless, Thomas's lips on Maven's collar bones. His brother's eyes were closed, held tilted back ever so slightly. He noticed a blonde figure laying on the bottom bunk, his snores heard over Maven and Thomas's make out session. They still hadn't noticed the older boy in the room, so he cleared his throat. Loudly. They spit apart, Maven's face flushing gray, Thomas turning the color of a tomato.

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