Your birthday// Maven Au

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Your Birthday//MAVEN TUMS//AU
      Maven woke you with nibbles. At your ear, your jaw, your neck. You woke up half annoyed half aroused. His hands had been traveling all over your body, pinching and grabbing and rubbing. You grabbed one of his pale hands and took it in your own (skin description) hand. He looked at you with those icy blue eyes that seemed to only melt for you.

     "Happy birthday Y/N," He cooed, and began nibbling on your jaw again. You brought his lips to yours, kissing him with a passion. He kissed back, his hand traveling to the small of your spine. You wrapped a leg around his waist he moved his hand from your back to the back of your knee and hoisted it up even further. Maven broke the kiss and began laughing.

  "What's funny?" You ask, and he just smiled some more. He moved your leg from his waist, and halfway pushed you off of him. You almost whined in protest.

     "You haven't been awake for more than ten minutes and look at what we're doing. Don't you want to know what I have planned for today? It starts in two hours." He says trying to lighten your mood. You weren't having it. He sighed.

    "Fine. We won't do anything today, even though I already paid for half of it. We'll just lay in bed all day and do absolutely nothing because that's what Y/N wants." He was guilt tripping you, and you knew it. You didn't want to give in. But you did. You turn to him, his face a sullen version of the boy you love.

    "Fine. We can do whatever you want in thirty minutes. But right now, my love, can we just...." Your voice trails off, he gets your point immediately. His eyes widen, and his pouting face dies down. He tackles your neck in a flurry of kisses, his hands travel to your waist, slowly inching his hands into your shorts. You run your hands up and down his bare chest, his heat radiating off of him. You hear clicks and feel his hands quickly snatch out of your shorts.

   "Shit, Y/N, how many times have I almost killed you doing this?" He chuckles darkly as he takes off the bracelets with his gleaming white teeth. His hands return to where they once were after he had thrown the bracelets off to the side.
    You looked at his face, the silver flush that it was, and kissed the area right under his jaw line. You began to suckle on it, earning a soft moan from the boy on top of you. He inched your tank top up and ran his hands up to your chest. You moaned lightly as his mouth traveled down your neck to your collarbone, biting the thin skin. His hands found the hem of your shirt, and pulled.

   "Off. Off." He says, sitting up and pulling the tank top of of your torso. After it's thrown to the other side of the room, he tackles your stomach in a storm of kisses, your body feeling his heat. He licks around your waist line, and then inches your shorts down. He pulls your panties down as well.

He gets to work on you, making you moan his name softly. He chuckles a bit when you squirm. It was so close. You were so close to an orgasm.
And then...

Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep. CAL IS CALLING CAL IS CALLING Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep.

"What the...What the h-hell is that?" You groan, his face now away from your core. He looks at his phone.

"Cal?" He asks, wiping his face with his hand. He looks over at you, and looks sheepish when he sees your expression. His expression changes as he listens to his half brother.

"Cal-Ye-No. I was a bit bus-Oh my- LET ME FINISH MY SENTENCE! Yes. I was a bit busy though...Y/N and I were...That's none of your business. Yes. Today is her birthday. Y/N cal wants to talk to you," He hands you the phone. By then you had found your panties and shirt, your shorts were still missing.

"Tiberias Calore the Seventh, if you knew what I would do to you right now do you know what you interrupted?" You almost scream into the phone. Cal chuckles.

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