Them as porn genres

669 9 4

No, I won't include porn. also, very important note at end

Maven: bdsm

Shade: pegging

Cal: interracial porn

Kilorn: soft core

Mare: electricity porn

Evangeline: lesbian porn

Cameron: transgender porn

Farley: wtf. why am i here


This is a filler front, as I have something to tell you guys.

Summer time is on its way, and it's bittersweet. 

Bitter: I won't be uploading nearly as often

sweet: when I do, I will flood you notifs

'Why? We love you so much and we love your stuff?' said no one

Because Theyre taking our macbooks monday. and we don't have internet at home, so i'll have to wait until I go to my aunt's house. 

Therefore...updates on Dirty diana, The City and RQPAI(this book) will be much slower. especially the former two, as writing on a laptop has grown on me. Phone typing will suffocate me. Oh well. 

Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys. 

Love ya'll


Red Queen Preferences and ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora