"..man, of all places for two guys to get together.. Uganda's not exactly the prime spot."

"Nope.. lucky I just got sent home three months in, instead of put in jail" he chuckled,

"Seriously.. you used to talk about Davis like that"

"I don't... you don't know what you're talking about."

"I was within sight and sound of you at all times for three months straight, I like to think I know you pretty well."

"..Weren't in sight and sound when Davis and I-"

"No, but we figured it out pretty quickly! When I woke up and our room was empty, and I could hear you and Davis in the bathroom, it became incredibly evident."

"..If you do it at night, God's asleep, he doesn't see" Connor cracked a smile, rolling his eyes at his teenage self's reasoning

"Yes, well, the mission president definitely saw."

"Cause you ratted me out to Elder Church!"

"I'm sorry, at twenty-one years old, I didn't know how to deal with two male missionaries groping each other in the bathroom... You talked about Davis like this. You talked my ear off. God, I'd speed to the next house just so I could get a minute without 'That Elder Davis is so sweet, Elder Davis is such a handsome young man, Elder Davis ironed my shirt for me"

"...I was six-thousand miles from home, I wasn't in love, I was gay and for the first time, I had a guy looking at me the way I looked at him."

"Yeah, well, now you're a hundred miles from home, and you're talking about this guy like he's the best thing since sliced bread"

"..He loves bread, he has a weird thing with bread- he only eats one kind, he eats two pieces every morning, he goes through a bag in a week.. I had to bring him bread one time, it was actually only the second time we'd talked, he-"

"Are you hearing yourself?"

"..You don't know what you're talking about."

"I do.. I know my mission companion."

"Of three months!"

"You were the best companion I ever had! I know my mission companion... He likes his eggs runny, he has a mouth like a sailor, and he's got it bad for his little friend"

"I don't have a sailor's mouth, it's not that bad!"

"No, you're right.. Davis says you have a cherub's lips."

"Oh, shut up!"

"He said it, not me! And don't think you've redirected this conversation, you practically started drooling when you talked about that guy... What's his name?"

"Kevin... Kevin Price.. and I did not start drooling over him, I don't... Look, he's handsome, yes, he's adorable, but I don't love him! He's my best friend. And I'm allowed to say my friend is good looking if it's a fact!"

"You've never thought about it?"

"..Well, of course, I have, I.. he's adorable, all stuffy and bottled up like a pressure cooker, but.."

"You like him" Chris stated matter-of-factly

"..It crossed my mind once, okay? I had just broken up with my boyfriend, he was there and he was kind.. he had just gotten out of the shower, he was only wearing a towel. That's.. Anyone would think like that."

"..No. You've thought about it more than once."

"What do you know?"

"Everything. Spill it, Red."

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