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"Now Lucy I do not like liars

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"Now Lucy I do not like liars." Chimera snarled, bending down as she forced my face to look to her. "I asked you if your sister in law was with child and you answered me no." She pushed my face away and stood up, circling me like an animal to its prey.

"You see this woman Lucy?" Chimera smirked, as she walked over to the fortune teller. "This woman can tell me what others can not see, therefore telling me the truth on everything that is happening and what will happen-"

"If this is about Sophia, I do not lie." I snapped, standing up for myself. "I have done nothing wrong." Looking over to the woman on the floor, she shook her head and pointed a finger to her lips, telling me to shush.

Chimera looked from her to me, folding her arms as she took a breath out.

"Now Morgana has told me that your precious sister in law is due to have a child." Chimera snarled, bending down and glaring at my truly shocked face - where something seemed to click in the mad woman's head. "You didn't know?"

I stayed quiet, still in shock but in pure happiness at the thought of being an aunt. Chimera was irrelevant to me as my brain kept on rolling.

"That means, if you don't know-" She began, looking down up to her guards. "Then she doesn't know. This may be more complicated than I imagined."

"Maybe it is time to give up." Morgana snapped, making Chimera look to her is disgust. "You of all people should know I won't give up." She rolled her eyes.

Breathing out heavily, she folded her arms and then put a hand to her head. Turning to the guard, she whispered something to him and walked off. He and another guard came over to Morgana and I, picking us up and taking us back down to the dungeons.

"You don't have to be so rough!" I snapped at the guard, as he through us to the ground. He said nothing but rolled his eyes and walked off.

"I hope you took no offence at my action for you to be quiet." Morgana looked to me, her eyes filled with an apologetic glow. "No, I should be thanking you-" I answered back immediately, not wanting her to feel bad. "But I do have a question."

"Ask away." Morgana replied, sitting up and leaning her back against the wall. "Is Sophia really going to have a baby?" I asked timidly, hoping she wasn't lying but also hoping that it wouldn't cause her and brothers to be in any danger.

Morgana simply nodded her head, looking to me with happiness as she let out a sigh. "I can see you are nervous to know, but yes, she is pregnant."

Happiness spread to every inch of my body as she spoke, excited for my brother and sister! As I looked to Morgana, she was staring at me with a smile, which only made me beam back to her. Tear pricked my eyes as I imagined the joy the two of them would have when they did indeed find out the good news.

Before I could continue thinking anymore happy thoughts, a dark shadow casted over each one. How could it be a joyous occasion, Chimera clearly wanted to know about the unborn child and I doubted she would want to take it to the park or treat it as her own.. she was a lot more sinister than that and it worried me greatly.

"I know you worry-" Morgana began and I looked to her with a raised brow, which soon relaxed back when I remember the incredible gift she has, she was in fact reading my thoughts and I was sure this had been all predicted. "I cannot say much, as when the future is shared, nothing ends up the same." She began and scooted closer to me, the chains dragging across the stone floor, making the hairs on my arms go up. "But I can promise you this, no harm will ever come to that baby." She whispers

My eyes fill up with tears again, unbegntost to me I let out a heavy sigh, that had been clearly kept in for a while. My body relaxed and I looked to her bright blue orbed eyes, so piercing but made you feel so safe.

"Lucy as long as your brother stays at Sophia's side, all shall be well." She smiled softly and I nodded my head, understanding what she was saying and I knew in my heart my brother wouldn't leave Sophia ever, even near death would he fight. Sighing, I tilted my head back "I have to get out of here." I huffed as I closed my eyes. "I need to be out there with them, protecting my family."

"Believe it or not Lucy but you are doing that already." Morgana explained, as I opened my eyes and looked to her. "How?" I frowned confused as to her comment. "I am stuck in a cell, my hands tied and kept as a prisoner, if anything I am a burden.. like I usually am." I mumbled the last part.

Morgana shuffled closer and shook her head, lifting her hand up to wipe away the water falling down my cheeks. "Lucy, I have been around for thousands of years." She sighed and looked to my eyes. "I have seen many things, predicted awful and joyous things, I have that burden to carry with me." She looked away for a moment, almost regaining her focus. "I know of your family Lucy, I was a young woman when you came to Narnia for the first time and I have seen the good you have done to this land. You are a hero Lucy, don't forget that. Aslan chose you for a reason."

He words melted my soul and I smiled, before reaching across and hugging her tightly. "Thank you." I whispered in her ear and grinned, before slowly pulling back and grinning again. "I just need to get out of here and fast."

"And you will-" She replied. "And soon enough." Hearing her say that gave me a glisten of hope that I was going to get out of here as soon as possible and I knew I had her help in doing so. A moment of silence echoed the stone walls when a simple question popped into my mind.

"Why does she want to know so badly if Sophia is pregnant?" I asked, as I looked to Morgana, her body immediately stiffened and she looked scared, frightened, knowing what was to come would surely be a burden on anyone. Her look only made me more afraid of what she might answer.

"It will change the entire land."

(A/N - Why do you think Chimera wants that baby so badly? How will it affect Narnia - for the good or bad?? Let me know your theories!!)

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