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The sound of birds chirping, filled my ears as I regained consciousness

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The sound of birds chirping, filled my ears as I regained consciousness. My body ached from sleeping on the hard floor, something I had not done, since we last came to Narnia. Peters arm was still wrapped around me and I knew he was still fast asleep.

As I opened my eyes, I slowly sat up and stretched my body; standing up and looking around us. The structure we had slept under, held out over night, thankfully. Our next adventure was finding substances to survive on, in which I decided to go look around the area that surrounded us, to check for food and water. Making sure the others did not wake up as I left, I hurried off and made sure I knew how to get bac

The birds still chirped away as I walked through the forest, looking out for anything we could eat or drink. As I turned my head, I looked to see a small river that flowed through the forest. The sound of the water trickling through, made me excited to have a sip of fresh water.

"Finally." I grinned, bending down and grabbing some water in my hands, taking a sip of it before it disappeared.

Before I had chance to put it near my lips, I heard the sound of a twig break. My hands fell to my sides and the water disappeared from my hands. Standing up and looking around the area, I tried to stay quiet as I scanned the forest, but there was no more signs of movement. As I turned my head back around, my heart skipped a beat - it was just a harmless rabbit that hopped along the twigged path.

Shaking my head in annoyed, of me being so stupid, I decided I should walk back to the camp and tell the boys I had found some water. I knew they would be relieved that we had found somewhere to drink from, but I knew they would also get hungry soon. My belly began to rumble and ache with hunger. I felt strange. I did not know what was wrong with me but I knew something was off.

"Wake up guys!" I grinned as I walked back, watching where I walked as I had no shoes on. "I found some water for us to-" I went to finish, but I looked up to see Narnia creatures surrounding Peter and Edmund; who were very much awake.

"Who is she?" The dwarf spoke, pointing his sword to me. The anger on his face, made me shiver with fear and then look to my husband in shock.

"Put your blade down." The centaur demanded gently. "She is The High Queen of Narnia." I looked to them in shock.

"What is going on?" I breathed out, rubbing my head and Ed quickly replied. "We woke up to the sound of twigs breaking and then opened our eyes to them." I walked over to Peter, who moved his arm around the back of me; resting it on my lower back. "This is confusing" I mumbled.

"Why have we come back?" Peter asked, looking to the centaurs. One stepped forward and looked to us. "The stars have lined together, like the times you were here before. It is time for you to show your strength here in Narnia."

I watched him carefully as he spoke. "Have you seen Aslan?" I asked. The centaur shook his head. "Aslan has been missing for a week now and we fear he may not return."

"Where is he?" I began. "Was he taken?"


The name I missed so much. The face I had missed so much. It felt good to be back. But how come Aslan was wrong? He said we would never return again and that our time in Narnia had ended - so why were we back. I wanted to see him to get the answers I needed and I knew the others wanted the same too.

"He was last seen heading to the princess' castle." The centaur spoke softly. "She may have taken him."

I frowned in confusion. "We dealt with the witch last time? Surely she isn't back?" The centaur shook his head once more. "She is no witch, she has no magical powers but she does have the rights to be on the thrown of Narnia."

Edmund stepped forward and looked the Narnian people. "How did she become a Princess" We were all perplexed to say the least. "She is the great grandchild of King Caspian." They answered.

"How?" I frowned, as I shook my head. "Caspian had a heart of gold. How could his future heirs not be like him."

"People are different" A woman centaur spoke, coming towards the rest of her kind. "Their hearts are not as pure as their ancestors."

"That would explain it then" I muttered, looking away from them and leaning my head against Peter's arm - my head began to ache and I blamed it due to the smack of information we were receiving.

"What's her name?" Edmund asked. "Chimera" They replied and my body erupted in Goosebumps.

"Peter I don't feel so good." I mumbled and he looked to me, moving his hand to stabilise me.

"We need to get you food and water." Peter whispered as he looked down at your face, seeing your face go pale. "She needs needs food and water." Peter repeated as he looked to the Narnians for help.

I stumbled forward and Peter held me up, presently me from falling on the ground.

"Soph" He called out, holding me up against his hard body. "You okay?" I nodded my head, unable to speak.

"We should take her back to the camp." The centaur suggested and came towards me; touching my forehead and feeling the heat radiating off. "I'll take her on my back."

"It's fine." Peter mumbled, still cautious of the creature - not know whether he could trust him with me. "I can carry her."

"I feel sick." I mumbled, breaking their attention on each other, then looking towards me.

Edmund came beside me and looked to his brother. "Peter, let him take her." He whispered. "He can be trusted, I just know it."

Peter was still skeptical, but trusted his brothers judgement and allowed the centaur to have me on his back.

"I am scared." I mumbled, looking to Peter. His kind eyes and empathetic face looked straight at me; brushing my hair back lovingly, he cupped my cheek. "We will be right with you Soph." He pressed his lips on my forehead and rubbed his thumb on my cheek.

My eyes filled up with tears, thinking about Lucy and Mary. What has happened to them? What is happening to me? Why do I feel like this? In one sudden motion, Peter lifted me onto the centaurs back and looked up to me - giving me a little wink. A tear slipped down my cheek as I looked down to him and he leant up to wipe it away.

"Smile Soph." He whispered. "Lucy and Mary will be fine." It was like he knew all my worries and fears. We were soul mates. Our souls touched one another and felt the pain we both feel. It healed it. It got rid of worry and strife. As long as we knew we were together - nothing could stop us.

The centaur started to walk through the forest and I looked up to the sky as we plodded along. The sun barely peaked through the trees; a small gap aloud the rays to pierce through and dance on my cheeks.

Breathing out a heavy sigh and I held on tightly as we walked to the camp.

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