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"Wakey Wakey sleepy pants." I heard a whisper in my ear, slowly making me stir and open my eyes. Seeing my husband towering over me, smiling down at me. "I've even let you have a lay-in." He teases, everyone awake and moving around getting ready to leave.

"You should've woken me up." I croaked out, my mouth dry. Peter handed me his water bottle and I drank some, letting out a small yawn as I fully sat up coming too. "You looked so peaceful and we all agreed you should have extra moments to sleep."

"Why?" You questioned, looking at the rest of them, wondering if they knew my secret. "Only because you have been doing so much recently. You look tired. No need to worry Soph." Peter smiled, offering his hands to help me stand up. He gently kissed my forehead and wandered off to the others. 

"Here-" Mary smiled, as she handed me some breakfast and stood beside me. "Did you sleep well?" She asked as I tucked into the food. I nodded my head and smiled back. "I did, how about you?" 

She shrugged her shoulders and then looked at Ed. "Better than the previous nights." She sadly replied, looking down at her wrists and rubbing the bruised skin. 

Guilt exceeded my body. 

"Oh, Mary-" I sighed, pulling her gently into me and hugging me. "I am so sorry you have been by yourself in a place you have never even been to." She smiled, wiping her eyes and the tears away. "It was not your fault, it wasn't anyone's here." 

"It will all be better soon," I assured her. "We will make things right and we will all be safe again-" I rubbed her arm gently, as we walked over to the others. "Plus- you and Ed can finally get back on track. We have a wedding to plan." I grinned, making her blush and grin too. 

Avice walked over to us and handed us both a cloak. "Ready to leave?" She asked us both, replying with a nod of the head. Avice looked towards Mary intently, smiled and then walked off to Sadon and Lucy, who were talking away. 

"I think she likes him," Mary whispered, so only I could hear. I giggled and saw the two of them laughing and chatting. "Mary, I definitely think you are right." I smiled, before Peter walked over, putting his arm over my shoulders. 

"It is nice to see her happy and smiling." Mary grinned, and Lucy giggled at Sadon, tucking some hair behind her ears as he grinned down at her. They both looked sweet together, but we were jumping the gun - they had only known each other for a few days. Lucy did not need to rush.

"Right you two, enough nattering." He teased, making me poke his side. "We need to leave." I smiled at Mary, walking off to the horse and getting on it with the help of Peter. 

As I got on the horse, I swung my leg out gently and suddenly felt a surging pain in my stomach, that was so strong and intense, that it made me scream out in pain. 

"Soph?" Peter shouted out, worried as he saw me gripping my stomach. "What is happening?" He asked as I whimpered more, letting out another scream as another huge pain stabbed my stomach. 

"Keep her on the horse-" Avice instructed. "We need to get out of here now and go and get her some help." Peter nodded his head, as he got on behind me. 

I leaned back into his chest and felt my body sweating, feeling sick and totally unwell. I closed my eyes, feeling the horses race off, Peter following behind Avice and Ulric, who was the head of the group. Behind us were Mary and Edmund and then Sadon and Lucy. 

"Stay strong darling-" Peter whispered in my ear, me nodding my head in reply as I gripped onto his arms. "I'm scared Peter." I breathed out, praying for the safety of the baby. 

"We will get you there soon." He assured me, whining out and trying to not scream out in pain as I groaned at the stabbing pain. "Take deep breathes-" He whispered and I nodded my head. "I am-" I breathe out. 

We travelled for what seemed like hours and hours, which it probably was. My heart was racing minute by minute. The pain surged at times, especially when we hit the ground at a face pace. 

"Aslan please..." I cried out quietly, as I felt another stabbing pain, shifting me and almost making me fall off. Luckily Peter's arms were around me and stabbed me. 

"Ulric, we need to get somewhere, now!" Peter shouted, thinking it was too unsafe for me to be travelling right now. "She is in too much pain, we have been travelling for hours now - we need to stop." 

Ulric shook his head. "We are almost there." He said. "Sophia, hold on," Avice begged and looked at Peter. "I promise we are nearly there. The camp is beyond the wood." 

"And if it isn't?" Peter stressed. "We don't know for certain." He was worried for me, seeing my weak state. "Peter-" Avice got his attention, making him look at her for a moment before concentrating back on the horse. 

"I know it is a huge stretch and I am asking you an impossible task, of believing in the unknown-" She began. "But I know Peter, beyond that wood, he will be there." 

"Please Peter," I whispered. He nodded his head and we raced on faster. 

What is happening to me? I thought to myself. What happened? Everything was going so well, I wasn't sick anymore, and I felt fine. So what had changed? 

All I knew is that I wanted to get to this camp 

I wanted it to be real 

I knew it was real 

Aslan would be there beyond the wood 

And we would be safe again. 

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