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Avice and I decided to go and collect some berries we had seen on the bushes near where our camp was

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Avice and I decided to go and collect some berries we had seen on the bushes near where our camp was. With some old ripped cloth, we collected the berries in them and each took a few as we picked.

"How long do you plan on staying in Narnia?" Avice asked, as I picked off a few berries, making sure they were ripe and not rotten before taking them off. "I am not sure." I shrugged, as I look towards her, as she put a berry in her mouth. "I hope it is forever, I enjoy your company" she grinned.

"Us girls have to stick together" I giggled, as I throw a berry at her. She gasped and managed to catch it in her cloth. "Nice catch!' I laughed, as I pushed through the bush and saw a few horses coming down the main path. The mud flicking up as they trotted down.

My eyes looked up and saw Chimera, another man and someone else beside Chimera, but a cloth was covering part of her face. Stepping back, I grabbed Avice's arm and pulled her with me to squat down.

"Do you suppose she is looking for us?" I asked, making sure I whispered. She was not too far away but they seemed to be heading in the opposite direction from the castle and where their camp was. "I have no idea, but that way is back to Alard." Avice says, as we both stood back up to our feet as we watched them ride off.

I could not help but think who was the person with them?

Walking back to the others, we handed the berries to everyone and sat around the fire. Telling them everything we saw.

"And we are sure they are not heading this way?" Sadon asked, as he stuffed his face with berries. I nodded my head, Peter having his arm on the log behind me, as I sat close to him. I could see Ed's eyes on me constantly, feeling him judging me for not telling Peter.

"I am sure of it." Avice said, as she filled her water pouch up. "They were heading the way to Alard and she had no one else with her but three people." I nodded my head agreeing. "Do we know who the others are?" Peter asked, as I looked to him.

"I am sure I recognise the man with her-" I begin as I stand up and walk to the centre. "But the other person I don't. However, I have a plan" The others look at me, while Peter looks to me with concern. "You have to hear me out though" I aim more at Peter than anyone else.

Peter nodded his head. The others all agreed.

"I think now is our time to strike and get Lucy and Mary." I blurted out and Peter nearly chokes on his berry. "No. You're right I don't agree." He adds as he stands up. "No way." He continues and I let out a heavy sigh.

"Peter, she isn't there. Now is our time to get them back and-" I almost plead with him. "It is too unsafe. There is 6 of us. God knows how many of them are out there. No way." He cut me off and shook his head. "I mean it is a risk." Ulric added. "But we are happy to follow which ever you chose."

"She is right. Now is our chance" Ed said, as everyone looked to him. "I want to save them both." He simply said and I looked to Peter with pleading eyes once more. "We want them back Pete, please I have a feeling it will all be fine and we will get them back."

Peter let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand through his hair. A moment of silence hit all of our ears. Everyone was worried, so was I. But I knew this was our moment, this was the best option we had. When might we get this opportunity again?

"Fine." Peter sighed and looked to me, his hands on my arms, looking to my eyes. "The rule is you and Avice stay somewhere safe. The four of us will go inside?" He said and looked to the others who nodded their head. Avice hugged into Ulric and agreed with what Peter said.

"Edmund and I can scope out where the best route is and somewhere we can have as a base." Sadon said, while Ed agreed. "The girls can stay at the base and we can meet there if anything was to go wrong." I nodded my head, not arguing for the sake of the baby.

"We will be back within the hour" Sadon said, as he picked up his sword and tied it around his waist. Ed did the same as Ulric spoke to the others and Peter pulled me aside.

"Im sorry if I contradict you" He whispered as he engulfed me in a hug, my head against his chest as I smile. "I know Pete, I knew it would be a tough mission, but I want Lucy back and Mary of course." I whisper as my hands more to his sides. "I have a good feeling about it Pete, I know we will get them back." I whisper, his head against my forehead.

"You just have to promise me that you will stay in the spot they chose and wait for me there." He said seriously, his hands moving to my face. "I know I-" I begin to say but he cuts me off. "I mean it Sophia. Not a single movement." I nodded my head, as he gently kisses my lips.


Later on, we were sat around the fire waiting for them to come back. I fell asleep against Peter's shoulder and felt for once at peace about what was about to happen. I feel Peter move slightly, waking me up. I open my eyes to see the two boys back. They sit down and look to us, smiling widely as they nod their head.

"We are all ready for it to go ahead." Sadon smirked, taking a piece of rabbit that Ulric had caught earlier. "We should wait until it is dark, early hours so they don't see us coming." Ulric added as we all nodded and agreed.

"Then operation get Lucy and Mary back is underway." I smiled, looking to Peter and holding his arm. Edmund sighed and sat beside us. "How are you Ed?" He smiled and nodded his head, looking the most hopeful he had been all week.

"I know we will get her back Soph." He smiled and leaned his head back. "We will have her back and then I am never letting her go." I smiled widely with him, my head on his as I squeezed it tightly. "You are right, we will get them back."

"We should all get some rest." Peter said to everyone. "We will leave before dawn."

We settled down for the night, ready for our adventure tomorrow.

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