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"I don't like it" Lucy shook her head, walking over to the next bed she was looking for

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"I don't like it" Lucy shook her head, walking over to the next bed she was looking for.

"This is crazy" I sighed, looking to Helen. "My feet, are killing me."

"Mine too" She huffed, linking my arm with hers and we shortly followed after Lucy.

After hours of searching for a bed Lucy wanted, we got the man to take it to the house and set it up for us, while we went to collect our ration stamps for the week.

Walking into the post office, Lucy tensed up beside me as she looked over to the boy leaning against the side and talking to some girl.

"Oh." She let out a tear, looking to them.

"What's wrong Lu?" I asked, holding her hand and looking to her.

"He told me he liked me." She stuttered and looked to the boy, leaning in and kissing the girl in front of him.

I pulled her into a hug and wrapped my arms around her back.

"You don't need a boy like him." I whispered to her, looking to see Helen getting the stamps.

"I am fine" Lucy pulled away and wiped away her tears, walking past me and over to the guy who played her.

"Why did you do it?" Lucy pushed the boy to face her.

"Oh shit" I mumbled to myself, rushing after her.

"What are you talking about?" He awkwardly looked to the other blonde girl, who he had been kissing.

"You took me home last night and told me how much you cared about me." Lucy frowned.

"No I-" He began but Lucy cut him off.

"Don't lie" She snaps and looks to the girl. "Stay with him, if you want too, but just know that he is a liar and messes with girls heads."

She stormed past me and people stared as Lucy walked out. Helen had seen what was going on and followed after her daughter, to see if she was ok. The boy looked at the blonde girl in front of him again and shook his head.

"She is crazy." He laughed and the blonde girl stared at him in shock.

"Don't call her crazy" I snapped, making them turn to face me.

"What do you want now?" He groaned and I frowned at him with a disgusted look of my face.

"Men like you, die alone." I spat, shaking my head as I began to walk away.

"Well, clingy people like her, die alone too." He retorts and I stood still in my tracks. "Besides, I would never want to be with someone like her."

"What did you say?" I scoffed, turning around to face him - getting more and more angrier.

"You heard me." He smirked, an evil smirk that made me want to punch him.

"Do you think you are cool?" I raised an eyebrow, mocking him. "Do you think it is cool, to belittle women?"

Coming Home - The Final Series (Peter Pevensie Love Story) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang