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"I think we need to stop somewhere and set up camp for the night

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"I think we need to stop somewhere and set up camp for the night." Ulric looked around, as he rode on the horse, leading alongside his brother.

I had been riding with Peter, on the front of the horse. My legs were tired and I could feel my body starting to slip into a very sleepy state. Peter had his arms firmly around me, making sure I didn't fall off the horse.

"I think that would be sensible." You nodded your head, letting out a small yawn. Peter readjusted his arms, holding on tighter in fear of me falling asleep and potentially falling off the horse.

"I know somewhere we could camp up for the night, it is about an hours trek." Ulric suggested. "Who everyone be alright with that?"

"It will have to do." Ed breathed out. "We need a place to stay where we trust we won't be found out." Edmund looked towards Peter and I. "I agree, we need to be somewhere safe." Peter added, nodding his head as he looked towards his brother.

"I don't particularly want to sleep." Ed muttered to himself, feeling guilty of allowing his sister and fiancé to be caught by the Queen. "We need rest Ed." I consoled him. "We need our strength to be able to get them back as soon as possible."

"I just feel so guilty-" He began but I cut him off immediately. "-We all do Ed." I sighed, finding it difficult to try and make him see it wasn't his fault. "-We are all to blame for their capture."

"For now, we need to focus on staying safe so we can get them back." Peter added, backing me up. Ed said nothing more, but simply nodded his head and carrying on riding. I knew he was sad and I hated seeing him like it, but I knew we would get them back soon.

"How you hanging on?" Peter asked, his breath tickling my shoulder as we rode, slightly shaking from side to side. "I'm fine Pete." I smiled, leaning my head back on his shoulder. "You sure?" He looked down as I smiled up at him. Nodding my head, I pecked his chin as I couldn't do a 180 of my neck - never had I been more jealous of an owl than now!

Turning my head back around, we continued to ride and become even more tired than we could have possibly imagined.

Finally arriving out our destination, we reached a small cottage that had smoke coming from the chimney. Smiling, after being ecstatic that we had finally arrived in one piece, the horses came to a stand still and we all got off our bourses. My body was so tired, so Edmund had helped me off the horse and onto my feet once more. Stumbling forward, Edmund caught me and steadied my body before letting go. Stretching, I turn around to see my husband drinking some water from the satchel they provided us before we made an escape.

"We know the woman in which stays here and I know she would have already been aware of our travels to come to her." Saddon smiled, while the rest of us looked confused. "What do you mean, she will already be aware?" Edmund asked, while we walked closer to home

"She is a psychic." Avice replied. "She has been a trusted source for our family over the years, we know we can trust her." Peter stepped forward, shaking his head and taking a deep breath in. "I'm not sure whether we should-" Peter began. "I mean, we barely know her and she could be in cahoots with Alard."

"I would not ever share my loyalty to a man like that-" An unknown voice said as they made their presence known. The middle aged woman stepped forward, looking towards us. "-I know you won't trust me for a while, for some-" She added, looking towards my husband. "However my loyalty with always be with Aslan."

"Do you have somewhere we could stay?" I breathed out, trying my hardest not to fall asleep. "Please Avice and Sophia, come inside and take the spare room. For the boys, it's in the greenhouse for you, I have made up a bed out of blankets for you four."

"Thank you Morgana." Avice smiled, looking towards me and nodding for me to follow her. Nodding my head in return, I looked to Peter and gave him a gentle peck before following her inside.

As I walked into the house, the smell of wood burning made me feel instantly warm and at home. It reminded me of the open fire we had back at home, lighting it on a chilly night. There were viles of strange coloured liquids, scattered across the kitchen and living room; after picking one up, I was terrified I might break it and I immediately put it back down extremely carefully.

Avice was doing the same thing, trying to avoid breaking anything and I could tell she was just as fascinated as I was. She turned and looked to me, as though she was a kid in a sweet shop.

"I had always passed her cottage as a small child and I always wondered what it was like inside-" She breathed out, smiling. "-but I never imagined to look like this."

"You like my work?" Morgana startled us with her presence, making us turn to face her. He dark hair fell to her waist, with shimmer of grey starting to show through. He dark eyes should have made me feel scared, intimidated, but I felt the opposite, I felt as though I could trust her. "I love your work." Avice replies in awe. "I must say I am extremely impressed."

"You practice magic?" She asked Avice, before turning to ask me the same question. "I have done a few potions here and there, but they were only to cure a cold, nothing ever as grand as these." They both turned to me, which I only shook my head in embarrassment. "No I have never tried any form of magic."

"You already have magic burning inside of you." Morgana smiled, walking closer to me and placing a hand of my shoulder. "You just aren't aware of it yet." Maybe she was right, Narnia had been my part of magic I had experienced and created my journey out of. Maybe I had magic in me after all.

"Here are some fresh towels for the morning and the bed is already made up for you to get in." She informed us. "The toilet is the door to your right and the room is just past it. If you need anything, please let me know."

"I think you'll know before we do." I chuckled, making the other two laugh beside me. "You are right there, I just like to say it so I don't freak out anyone." Morgana laughed, wishing us a goodnight before retiring to her bed.

After getting changed in the night dresses Morgana had provided us, I laid down on the comfiest bed I had ever slept on and turned to face Avice.

"What do you think has happened to my sisters?" I breathed out, trying not to start crying, fearing I would never stop once I'd of started. Avice took a deep breath in, before laying beside me and beginning to talk. "I think they are in the castle. I wouldn't worry Sophia, I know they won't be harmed. Why don't we just ask Morgana tomorrow where they are and how easy it is to get them out?"

"That would be a good idea." I sighed, before closing my eyes. "Goodnight Avice."

"Goodnight Sophia." She replied, reaching out and turning off the light.

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