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"Pete" I said, as I turned back to see him slumping up against me, his eyes closing slightly

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"Pete" I said, as I turned back to see him slumping up against me, his eyes closing slightly. Seeing blood seep through his shirt and his face with and brow wet with a sweating fever. His body was hot up against me and I quickly called out the others to stop and help.

"Peter!" Lucy gasped, as everyone got off their horse, coming over to help me get him down. Moving over to the side, we moved deeper into the wood and gently put him up against a tree. I grabbed our bags, getting out some ointment that Morgana had packed for us, my hands were shaking as they took his shirt off.

"Here-" Avice smiled, putting her hands on top of mine. "Let me help" She took the ointment off of me, grabbed some cloth and went over to Peter. Lucy came up to me, putting her arms around me, both of us hugging one another. "He will be fine." Lucy whispered, my head leaning on her shoulder, both of us being the same height.

They patched him up and left him to rest. His fever went down and he settled to sleep more. We all sat around the fire Sadon had made. Ed was laying down, his head up against his bag and looking up to the sky.

"You okay?" I ask, as I lay down beside him. Looking up to the sky and hearing him let out a sigh. "What if they have done something to her Soph?" He worried, as I sat up slightly and looked down to him.

"She will be fine Ed. We will find her I promise." I assured him. He shook his head and sat up, getting his bag and grabbing his bottle. "How can you be so sure? We were lucky to get Lucy back in one piece."

"Morgana was there" I looked to him. "She never said that Mary was unsafe or harmed." He looked with a raised eyebrow. "But she also did not tell me where she was." He huffed and looked away and laid back down. "But Ed she is out there somewhere. Why would Chimera harm Mary?"

He kept quiet and ignored me. Sighing, I stood up and wished him a good sleep and walked over to Lucy who was opposite to Peter. I looked over to him and worried after him.

"He will be fine." She smiled and covered me over with some of her blanket. I let out a sigh and got myself warm. "I know, he is the strongest person I know." I smile as I look back to Lucy.

"Lucy-" I began, she knew my question was going to be serious as she sat up and looked to me intently. "Why wasn't Mary with you in the cells?" I asked, a she shrugged and thought for a moment.

"We were dragged to separate wagons when we were split up from you." She began. "I never saw her since." She sighed and I frowned at her words. "You don't seem so sure about something." She questioned and I let out a sigh again. "I just find it strange Luc."

"It seems strange that she was split apart from you. She has never been here before. What could Chimera want so badly from here or care about her so much to not be in the same place as you. You were not exactly in luxury." I ranted. "Maybe you are thinking too much about it Soph. She might be somewhere else." She added, play devils advocate.

"She very well might be. But I saw Morgana's warning face when I asked after her." I told Lucy, looking to her intently once more. "She is never wrong and I trust her. I feel like something more is about to be uncovered."

"You may well be right." She sighed and then looked to Ed. "I just hope it doesn't crush his heart. He cares about her a lot. I don't know what he would do if anything had happened to her." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Have you told him yet?" She asked, regarding the pregnancy and Peter. "I was trying too before we got you back. But other things stopped me from telling him. I wasn't going too, because I know he would send me back home at the first chance we got."

"That is very true." She smiled. "But maybe that is for the best. I have seen what Chimera can do. She isn't like anything we have faced before."

"I wish every time we come back that Aslan would just come and help us." I sighed and she agreed. "He makes it very hard to trust in him." I mentioned and Lucy looked to me in shock. "You don't mean that Sophia" She frowned. "He is always there, he wants us to have a chance to figure it out first before he comes to help."

I nodded my head and smiled. Giving her a hug. "I hope so Lucy, because I am not sure how long I want to be here for." I kissed her cheek and bid her a goodnight as well. I headed off, going to Peter and wrapping him up, leaning against the tree with him and let out a tear.

"You better come back to me Peter Pevensie." I whispered. "Because you are going to be a dad. It has finally happened. I was too afraid to tell you because I thought you might send me back. But I am more afraid of you not coming back to me. I cannot do this without you Peter. Please fight through it and come back to us."

I snuggled up beside him, making sure he was warm and settled before I went off to sleep beside him.

My mind kept racing with the face of Morgana when I asked about Mary. I couldn't shake it off and I had a gut feeling something was not right.

Please Aslan.

Help us.

*A/N - Would you be like Sophia when it came to Aslan? Or would you be more like Lucy? Let me know what you think!*

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