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"Sophia!" I heard  a voice say and it woke me up

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"Sophia!" I heard  a voice say and it woke me up.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked around to see everyone sleeping. The horses eating the grass and the dead fire that was once lit. I shivered slightly at the morning breeze and looked to feel Peter.

But he was not there.

Standing up, I immediately grabbed my sword and ran off through the woods. Shouting his name as I looked around for him. My heart beating like a drum. My sword was out and ready as I walked around some trees and saw someone bent down by the river.


I through my sword to the ground and looked to him.

"You are an idiot aren't you?" I gasped out, my heart coming out of my chest. He turned around and let out a cheeky smile and grunting slightly as his fast movement jolted his wound. "You had me worried you ass!"

I walked up to him and gently pushed his chest and he grunted again.

"Shoot sorry" I grimaced, as I hugged him tightly. "I am sorry for scaring you." He laughed, as he hugged me back. My heart beat slowing down as I let out a soft sigh of relief. My hands on his back and holding him close.

"I thought I might lose you." I looked up to him, his fingers brushing some of the hair away from my face. He smiled, tracing his thumb on my bottom lip. "You could never lose me." He smiled, as he leant in and kissed me tenderly.

His hand cupped my cheek, as I gripped onto his clothes tightly as we continued to kiss passionately and slowly, with so much love and desire. His fingers traced down my neck and shoulders, slowly pushing off the blouse from my shoulders, my heart racing now for a completely different reason. His lips traced across my jaw and then down my neck, to my bare shoulder as I let out a small gasp.

"Peter... not here." I whispered, my mouth dry as I let out a small moan. "Not while you are hurt." He didn't answer as he moved up to look at me. "I adore you Sophia." He said, smiling as I blushed at him. No matter how many times I heard this, it still sent shivers across my body.

"We need to head back to the others." I let out another gasp, as he bit gently. "Has this medicine affected your head?" I smirked, as he looked too me. "Let's go." I smiled, as I grabbed his hands and for a moment thought - did he remember what I said to him last night? He would have mentioned it if he had heard me.


"Where the bloody hell have you two been." Lucy gasped, as we walked back my hand on Peters back to help support him. "Oh Soph.." She said, pointing to my shoulder. I gasped a little and pulled up my blouse, Peter smirking as I rolled my eyes poking his back.

"Someone get him a cup of something hot." I smiled, setting him down. "He is like as high as a kite." I looked too Avice. "What did you give him" I laughed as she handed me the bottle to show me. "It's Hall Juice. It is strong stuff." She laughed and I nodded my head. "I can see that."

Peter relaxed back and Ed even cracked a smile to see his brother behaving in such way. I let out a small laugh, looking to everyone looking after Peter.

"I dare not ask what was going on." Lucys, asks as I look to her and blush. "Nothing happened, I swear." I laugh, before Avice hands me a cup of warm drink. "I just woke up to find him not there and it panicked me."

"You should have woken us up." Lucy says, as she drank away and scolded me. "I didn't even think. I just wanted to get him back." I smile as we let out a laugh, when we see Peter grabbing Edmund for a big hug.

"Good luck to us all." Lucy laughed.


We had spent the day walking gathering food supplies, water and looking after Peter, who had recovered from the medicine. Though it did leave an awful headache for him.

Lucy and I decided to go off to collect some fire wood for the evening fire. We began chatting about everything, things about home and our olds times.

"Do you remember that? When Peter slipped over by the lido after two kids bumped into him and just fell straight into the pool, with all the drinks in his hands?" I laughed, Lucy cracking up beside me. "He was furious" Lucy added, her eyes watering from the laughter. My belly aching from laughing so much.

"Stop. Stop." I laughed. "It hurts." She giggled, both of us uncontrollably laughing as we continued to look for fire wood. Letting out sighs, we giggled a little more and grabbed some more for the fire.

"We have walked far Lucy, we should be heading back soon before Peter sends a search party for us." I smiled, as I bent down to get the wood. "Have you told him yet?" I look back up to her and I nod my head, but then shake it.

"Kind of-" I began, as we kept walking. "I told him last night but he did not seem to hear nor remember this morning when I saw him. I know I need to tell him when his head is alright."

Lucy nodded her head.

"It is for the best" She smiled and I agreed with her.

Before we could say anything else, a scream echoed the woods and we instantly dropped the wood.

"Where did that come from?" Lucy asked, as we stood back to back and got out our weapons. "Im not sure, keep an eye out." I answered, my eyes watching like a hawk. "We should not have come this far."

The scream went off again.

"Maybe it is Mary" Lucy gasped and ran forward.


"Come on!" She called and I huffed.

"Lucy stop!"

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