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A soft breeze tickled my skin as I heard my name being called, whispered in a hushed tone. I opened my eyes, surrounded by trees, woodland ground, brown and green piercing my eyes as I looked around. The sun was slowly rising, the small rays peaking through trees, everywhere seemed to be covered in a slight orange glow.

The small rustles as I stood up, taking small steps as I followed the sound of the voice.


I pushed through hanging willow, the sky tinged now with a soft red.

"Red sky at night, shepherds delight.. Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning.." I whispered as I looked up, my mind and body distracted as I took a deep breath in and then exhaled heavily.

When all of a sudden, I felt a cold hand over my mouth and wrapping an arm around my front. My body tensed but I instantly started to fight back, struggling to breathe as my screams muffled. The hand was big compared to my face and I felt frightened.

"Oh how naive of you..." A voice whispered, as I kept struggling, whimpering more and more as I panicked. "You thinking that Aslan would be here to save the day... didn't he always say things never happen the same way twice..."

Chimera stood now in front of me, clearly one of her goons had me held up, not able to move as I struggled and tried to fight. Biting the mans hand, I was thrown to the ground and instantly winded, gasping for air again as I coughed and spluttered.

"Get up!" She growled in my ear, grabbing by my hair and forcing me to look up to her.

"What do you want from me." I snapped, my eyes almost begging for her to just leave me alone. She chuckled and only moved me closer to her, her evil grin sending shivers down my spine. "I want that child." She whispered tormenting me.

"No!" I screamed and I tried with all my might to fight back, my hands pushed at her body and managed to set myself free. Turning around, in a flash I started to run not even stopping to think for a moment. As I started to run, I felt someone grab my wrist and stop me from moving and threw me to the ground once more.

"I need to kill you Sophia.. I need to eliminate you to get what I need." Chimera hovered over me, laughing menacingly as I screamed out to get help but no one was seeming to hear me. "No!" I shouted so loudly my voice broke.

"Why do you need the baby so badly.. what kind of an evil woman are you." I spat at her, which only added more fuel to the fire. "It is too powerful.." She said and I did not even have to think about what she meant, when suddenly I saw her lift up her sword. "I am going to kill you Sophia."

Before I could do or say anything else the sword touched my chest, but was delayed by the sound of a mighty roar.


"Soph darling please wake up."

"Sophia come on stop screaming."


My eyes shot open and all I could hear was the sound of screaming, that was coming from my mouth. My heart beating so fast as I immediately gripped onto my husband for dear life, not wanting him to leave my side. His hand gently brushed up and down my back, as the other cupped the back of my head gently. Peter had looked up to his brother, not knowing what to do.

"This is the third time in three days." Edmund whispered and I could hear everything. "Im sorry.. I am so sorry.." I stuttered, my heart still beating so fast as I whimpered into Peters neck, to which he gently shushed me. "Soph stop." He said simply as he kissed my forehead, cupping now either side of my face to look to him. "I love you.. I am here for you.." He said looking to my eyes deeply.

My heart exploded as I nodded my head, his thumb gently circling around my cheek. "We need to find someone to help you though.. I am worried about you." He sighed, tucking some hair behind my ear. "I am fine-"

"-No, no you are not." He whispered as the others started to look around to make sure no one has heard and coming to look for us, because of how loud I had been. The same thing happening every night previous. "I don't know what to do Soph.. I don't know what's wrong and I cannot help.. its killing me." Peter confessed and I sighed.

"Pete why don't you go get a hot drink, I can look after her for a bit." Ed smiled softly to his brother, I pulled myself off Peter who reluctantly moved away. I could see he was tired, confused and upset that he wasn't able to help me or to truly understand. But I knew he would never have guessed the secret I have been carrying with me.

"You need to tell him, now." Ed explained very bluntly, but I knew he was right and that only angered me more. "Do you think he will let me do anything Ed? He will end up sending me back home, at the first chance he could get he would protect me but I know I need to be here to help Lucy." I whispered in a hushed voice.

"Soph this is deeper than that now, you're not sleeping, you're clearly loosing weight you haven't eaten a lot, it isn't good." He looked to me concerned and worried. "It isn't just about what you want anymore, it is about that child. Pete deserves to know and it is not right you keeping it from him."

"Why are you against me?" I snapped unintentionally, folding my arms as I glared to him. "This is not easy for me Edmund." I muttered, not wanting anyone to hear us having a little tiff. "Lucy is trapped with a crazy woman and I am making it my mission to get her out."

"You are being selfish-"

"What?! How-"

"This isn't about just you-"

"I know-"

"We can save Lucy without you-"

"No you can't!" I shouted loudly, making everyone look to us. "Chimera wants me Ed." I muttered to him quickly, needing to end this conversation fast as my husband was starting to walk over. "I am sorry, but I cannot tell him until I know its safe too, they could hurt him for knowing..." I teared up.

Edmund sighed and hugged me tightly. "I am sorry." He whispered so only I could hear. Peter sat down and handed me a drink. "You are not upsetting my wife are you?" Pete joked, lightening the mood as Ed laughed slightly. I smiled to Peter and gently reached my hand out to brush his cheek.

It is safer him not knowing.. I thought to myself.

I knew I needed a plan, a plan to end this once and for all... but I knew I couldn't do it without Aslan.. my dream alone only confirmed that.

Please Aslan...

I need you.

(A/N - ooo do you agree with Sophia or Edmund?? Let me know your theories!!)

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