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"Sophia come on" She huffed, as we rush through the trees

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"Sophia come on" She huffed, as we rush through the trees. The twigs scratched my face as we ran through.

"Good God." I gasped, as I see Mary attached to the tree. My body froze, as Lucy started to untie her. Their voices muffled as I looked around, not convinced we were alone.

Why was Mary out here? And so close to the camp too?

Why would it be here? Of all places.

"Sophia!" Lucy shouted, and my head snapped towards them. Mary's cheeks were red. "Sorry-" I began as I looked to them both, coming over and helping Mary to stand up. She gasped, as she landed on her feet.

"Thank you" She cried out, Lucy hugging her as I just stood there numb and no convinced. "Where the hell were you?" She asked Mary, smiling as she kept things in a light note. Mary smiled and shrugged.

"We need to leave, it doesn't feel safe around him." I stated, Lucy glaring at me in a disapproved look. I looked to them both and they seemed to agree. I kept my sword in my hand and looked towards Mary once more.

"I was pulled away and set in this room." She said, as we began to walk. "Then I was locked away for what felt like days and then was suddenly moved early this morning, and tied to the tree." She sniffled, Lucy holding her tight as we rush through the forest and back to the camp.

As we got back, we saw the others with their swords by their sides, and ready to arm themselves.

"Holy sh-" Peter began to say, as I looked to him.

"Mary? Mary!" Ed cut him off, as they reunited.

Everyone smiled, as they were so happy for Edmund and Mary, finally reunited once more. Peter came to my side and pulled me closer to him. He could sense I felt uneasy and was trying to comfort me in the best way he knew how.

"Sophia, you could look a little excited." He whispered, so only I could hear, while the others were introduced to Mary one by one. Looking up to my husband, I let out a sigh. "It is weird, she was hidden away in a room and then on a random day tied to a random tree, in a random forest that happens to be right where we are camped up."

"You are being so cold." Lucy said, interrupting us as she looked to me. "Mary has come here, not having a clue how this world works and you are treating her like some stranger." She lectured me, and for a moment I felt bad.

Maybe I was overthinking this? God I am a terrible human and friend.

"You are right." Is all I said to Lucy, as she smiled and walked off to speak to her.

"Come on, lets go and give her a warm welcome." Peter smiled. "Also, for the record, I agree it does seem all too strange to me." He whispered in support and I smiled, knowing I wasn't crazy and my husband supported me no matter what.

"Here-" I smiled to Mary, handing her a blanket, while Avice gave her a cup of herbal tea. "You must be tired." Avice smiled to her and Mary nodded her head. "It has been a tough time." Mary sniffled, her eyes red as she hugged into Ed.

I smiled at the both of them. Happy to see Edmund more himself again.

"Let's give them some space." I encouraged the others to move away. "I know Mary must be exhausted and missed Ed, get some rest. Both of you." I smiled, instructing them both as we walked away from them and sat not too far away - but enough to give them the space they needed.

"What is our plan for now?" Sadon asked, as he handed across some more tea for the rest of us. Ulric sighed and briefly looked over to the happy couple. "We have Mary back. That is all we had in mind." He added.

"We cannot just leave now we have Mary back." Lucy sighed and we all agreed. "We need to figure a way to get Chimera and Alard out of Narnia. They don't deserve to rule." Peter stated, which we all agreed again.

"We need the people of Narnia." Avice said, as we all looked to her. "The people need to see that the true Kings and Queens of Narnia have come back." I smiled and nodded my head to her. "But where are they?" I asked. "They seem to either be all in Alards camp. We have not bumped into anyone while searching for Lucy and Mary."

"I had heard rumours, back at the camp." Avice added. "Of a new camp, with the rest of the Narnian people." We all looked to her so intently. "It is too dangerous Avice." Ulric stopped her. "It is our only hope-" She stopped him.

"They are just rumours." Sadon added, Avice frowning and I could see she was getting frustrated. "They are more than rumours Sadon." She snapped, Peter, Lucy and I were extremely confused. What was so dangerous about this?

"It is our only option and our only hope." She firmly said. Ulric looked up to her and smiled. "You really think this will help?" He asked and she nodded her head. "I do, it has to be this way Ulric, for it all to end." She breathes out.

"Can you care to explain?" Peter asked, as he looked towards Avice. Us three completely bewildered by what was going on and completely out of place.

"When Chimera took over, Narnia seemed to split into two." She began, getting a stick and drawing in the sandy mud. Splitting her circle in half. "Alard convinced this half to come with him, for a better life."

"What happened to the others?" I asked, the three of them looking to each other. What could possibly be so concerning for them to hold off this information.

"They went with Aslan."


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