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"We have arrived

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"We have arrived." The centaur spoke, making me peer my head round, to see what the camp was like.

Looking around, there were faun children dancing around with the centaurs children; laughing and joking with each other. There were multiple fires that were placed on the camp ground - all with black pot hanging above the fire.

There were about 10 tents, that looked like teepees. 5 were on one side and the other were parallel to them. The tents were golden, with shimmering silk on opening of the tent. Once the sun hit against it, it shone brightly and caught anyone's eye that walked past.

As men started to put down their armour and bags they had been carrying around, Peter came towards me and lifted me off the centaurs back.

"How are you doing?" He smiled, inspecting my face for clues to determine how I was feeling. "A lot better." I answered honestly. "I am just worried."

I looked over to Edmund, who was leaning against the tree - folding his arms and looking up to the sky.

"I'm worried about him." Peter mumbled and we both walked to him. "Me too." I whispered back, making sure Edmund didn't hear me.

"Ed-" I smiled and enveloped him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and hurried his head in my neck. Tears were falling down his face, as I felt the drops fall through my clothes on my shoulder. "-It is going to be okay."

"I need to find her." He whispered and pulled back. "We need to get them back." Peter put a hand on his brothers shoulder. "We will get them back Ed. We always do:"

"But what if-" He began and I shook my head, interrupting him. "-Now don't be negative. We need all the hope we can get. But for now, we need some food and water."

The two of them agreed and we walked over to the rest of the group we had come with. A faun came up to me, handing me a cup of water and some fresh fruit.

Sitting down beside the fire, we scoffed our food and water down in seconds. Peter was beside me and I had resulted in leaning my head on his shoulder for comfort.

"I wonder if we will see Aslan?" I mumbled as I drew random shapes on Peters hand, with my finger. "I am sure he will make an appearance."

"I thought Aslan said things don't happen the same way twice?" Ed smiled as he sat beside us, eating more food. "What do you mean?" I asked with a smile.

"Well-" He began, before shoving a grape into his mouth. "-We are camping again, I thought we might be in a hotel this time."

Peter and I burst into fits of laughter, glad to see Ed back to his usual self. Edmund grinned to us as we continued to laugh.

"Wouldn't of that been amazing." I breathed out a chuckle. "A five star hotel, on the beach with beautiful weather everyday." The others laughed back, nodding their heads in agreement. "I'm not sure Aslan is that powerful. I'm not sure how Narnia would take to our modern day." Peter laughed, his body vibrating against mine from all the laughter

"I think that-" Edmund began to say but the sound of horses hooves coming into the camp, filled my ears. "Who is that?" I mumbled as I looked to see 2 human men riding in.

"Maybe they are with that woman?" Peter muttered, looking for something to defend us with. I looked to see them going over to the centaurs peacefully and shake their hands. I could tell they were on this side. "I don't think so." I spoke back, making Peter snap his head to the men, who were now looking in our direction.

"High King Peter." One called out, walking over to us. Peter stood in front of Ed and I, being the protector as always and looked to the men carefully. "That would be me." He answered. "And Who are you two?"

The men came over and looked about the same age as Peter and I. They both looked as though they were related, with the same brown eye colour and the same dark hair, that fell down against their faces. One had a beard, but the other didn't.

"I am Ulric and this is my brother Sadon." The one with the beard spoke, pointing to him and then his obviously younger brother. "We are descendants of Caspian X." I looked to Peter in shock, then saw the uncanny resemblance the two of them shared with our old good friend.

"How can we know to trust you?" Peter frowned slightly. "Isn't your sister the one that has taken my sister and my brothers fiancé?"

Sadon stepped forward. "Yes, she is our sister-" He began. "-But she has become hungry for power and has forgotten the roots that made her and nourished her. She has pulled away from them and now she is trying to seek the power of Narnia."

"What does that even mean?" Edmund frowned in anger. "She has my fiancé and my sister? What could she want with them?"

"She has been told she needs pure high royal blood, to succeed her transition into becoming the most powerful person in the whole of Narnia." Ulric said and my mouth opened slightly.

"But Lucy is -" Peter began to worry about his little sister. "-we know." Ulric stopped him. "She is not the High King or Queen. Chimera knows that."

"So if she is the Princess then you must be-" I began but Sadon stepped forward and interrupted me. "-The other princes." He finished and looked towards me.

"We have been told to await for your arrival." Ulric added, looking to the three of us. "I'm confused." I blurted out, making everyone turn to me. "I am either being stupid or you just aren't making any sense-" I began. "You are that crazy woman's brothers and you are not on her side?"

"We don't agree with the way she has done things." Ulric shock his head. "We want peace. Just like it was before our father died."

"Then who is the King of Narnia?" Edmund questioned.

"-That would be me." A voice said from behind us. I turned around quickly and was face to face with a very handsome man. He features matched his brothers but their was something that made him stand out more.

"You must be the High King and Queen." He smiled and shook Peter and Ed's hand; then walked over to me and picked up my hand.

He placed a small kiss on my knuckles and never took his eyes off me as he brought my hand to his lips. I pulled away quickly and moved closer to Peter - who looked like he wanted to kill the man in front of us.

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