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"How long have you known Morgana?" I asked the other three, while Peter and I rode alongside them

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"How long have you known Morgana?" I asked the other three, while Peter and I rode alongside them. "We have known her since we were children. When Sadon and I used to play together, alongside Chimera and Alard, we always used to go past her house. She would always make us these herbal teas, telling us we would grow more taller and more muscular."

"Did not seem to work then." Avice giggled, teasing her husband while at the front of the horse. We all laughed, looking at the happy couple. "Very funny." He sarcastically spoke, smiling to his wife. "She is a lovely woman. I trust her more than anything."

"She seemed like a kind woman." Peter added, while I nodded my head in agreement. "I do pray she will be safe. Chimera will not go after her will she?" I asked, my palms getting sweaty as I firmly gripped on the reigns.

"I hope not." Sadon sighed. "Morgana knows what she is doing. She will see Chimera come, days before she actually does arrive. She will be able to hide before she is taken." I shuddered at the thought of Morgana being hurt, feeling the need to keep the woman I had just met, as safe as my own family.

"I wonder where Edmund has gone too." Peter mumbled to me, catching only my attention as the others spoke to each other. "I am sure he will not have gone far." I replied, hoping my words of encouragement worked on not just Peter, but myself as well. I needed to convince myself Ed was going to be okay. "Why does he have a habit of running away?" Avice giggled, making me smile at her comment as I looked to her.

"You know our story?" Peter breathed out a laugh. "Everyone in Narnia does." Avice replied. "We learn about it at school." I grinned from ear to ear, thinking about my story, our story being apart of their school curriculum - bizarre to say the least.

"I wonder if they know about the love story between you and I?" Peter smirked, squeezing my waist playfully; which only made me squeal and lean back into him. "Every girl was obsessed with yours two love story." Avice raised her eyes brows up and down. "We were all jealous of the High King and Queens love to one another."

"Oh so we are famous?" Peter laughed. "You hear that Soph, the people love us." I giggled at Peter, putting my hands on top of his. "Oh Peter, I know how a girls mind works. They were probably jealous that I had you."

"A club was started in your name." Avice playfully teased Peter, him being the only one who was oblivious to think there actually was one. "Oh really? What did they do in the club?" Peter asked, blushing at the thought. "They would draw pictures of you and kiss them every moment of the day."

We all burst out into fits of laughter, everyone except Peter of course, who was not amused in the slightest.

"Very funny." He huffed, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I don't care anyway, I have my number one fan here." He kissed my cheek, which only made me blush slightly - even after how long we have been together, he still has that affect on me.

We all chuckled, still continuing to travel through never-ending forests. Everything seemed so much different in Narnia. There seemed to be more houses as we traveled through, and an equal ratio to narnian creatures and humans. We would often travel past a small cottage, that seemed to look so cosy and homely - smoke coming from the chimney, the smell of fresh cooked goods, which only made me hungry.

"How far behind do you think they are?" Avice asked Ulric, as she tightened her grip on the reigns, then looking to me. "Morgana gave us a massive head start, so hopefully we will be far out of their reach."

"Don't they have spies in the villages?" Sadon frowned, while Ulric looked a bit anxious. "They do, but we are so far ahead of them, they won't catch us."

"Do you think Edmund has any idea where he is going?" Avice asked, immediately I shook my head. "I guess people do crazy things when they are in love. I just hope he is safe and out of harms way."

Riding into the next village, we decided to stop off, get some food and supplies for the rest of the trip. We all split off, Avice and I and the boys went together.

"Do you ever miss Narnia, when you are back where you are from." Avice asked, while we wondered around a small old fashioned shop - something I never thought Narnia would have. "I do, I think about here all the time. But when I am here, I miss my other home. I wish I could balance between the two."

"I wish I had the ability to see another world." Avice sighed, picking up a small bag of peanuts. "You are lucky you know." I looked up her. "How do you think?" I asked, watching her intently.

"You have a husband who really cares about you, a family that sticks by you and cares for you and the ability to be a ruler and live another life." Avice ranted. "But the grass isn't always greener on the other side Avice. Yes I have an amazing family, yes my husband and I are madly in love, but believe me - the immense guilt I feel when I leave this place kills me for months." I deeply breathed in. "Besides, you are Ulric look madly in love."

"It was an arranged marriage." She breathed out, as we walked to the counter to pay for our items. "I mean, I really care for him now and I'm now ready to say that I truly love him, but it's taken my two years to do that."

"Don't be ashamed of that. Love takes time-" I sighed, putting a hand on her forearm. "-I know it's easy for me to say, as My marriage was not arranged, but loving someone and wanting to stay with them forever is a hard concept to handle, especially if you have no feelings for the man." She breathed out and grabbed our paid items, linking her arm with mine and we both walked out the shop.

"They should have named you Sophia the Wise." She giggled. "I will have to talk with Aslan about changing it" I laughed back, walking to try and find our husbands, so we could finally get something to eat.

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