Nami rubbed her chin in a mocking gesture of thought, obviously toying with him, but it raised his spirits to know that they were even considering it, especially since he was the one who ordered the bounty hunters to attack to crew. "Lets see, I'll demand one million berries from your princess in exchange for protection," a greedy smile spread across the navigator's lips, causing depression lines on the mayor and a sweat-drop from Anoki. 


Anoki watched with a narrowed eye at the sight of Luffy and Zoro punching each other in the street while fighting two strangers who were dressed even more weirdly than the bounty hunters. A man who was wearing a brown trench coat with the number five near his left breast. A light pink scarf tied neatly around his neck and tucking inside his jacket. He also had sunglasses on even though it was the dead of night and hair that stuck up in multiple directions. The woman was wearing a short dress with the design of lemons with white heels and a hat that Anoki thought wasn't really working for her. She held a yellow umbrella with blue stripes on it. 

The two newcomers kept trying to attack Zoro and Luffy but it was obvious they weren't going to get their attention so both Luffy and Zoro rocked their fists into both of their jaws while shouting, "SHUT UP, YOU'RE ANNOYING!"

Anoki huffed out a chuckle and gazed at Nami with a half lidded eye. "I'll go find this princess and bring her to you." Nami nodded and Anoki walked past her fighting crew mates towards the former Miss Wednesday. Anoki wrapped an arm around her shoulders and watched unamused as she stiffened at the touch. 

"You're the princess of Alabasta right? Your servant is paying us to protect you now so I suggest you come with me over to where it's actually safe," as Anoki finished her sentence she latched her hand into the princess's and lead her over to where Nami was waiting. The princess had a small blush dusted across her tan cheeks at the feeling of the calloused hands of Anoki and followed after the tall woman as a puppy would its master. 


By the time Anoki arrived with the blue haired woman, Nami punched Luffy and Zoro across the face and was shouting at them as they nursed their bruised cheeks.

"I thought Zoro was attacking all of these people because he didn't like their food!" Luffy yelled out while turning his attention to Anoki. His eyes hardened at the sight of their clasped hands and whined like a child towards the first mate. "Anoki! Hold hands with me!" Anoki snorted out a chuckle and let go of the princess's hand and strolled over to where Luffy was sitting in the dirt. She gave him a soft smile as she held her hand to him, and giggled when he yelled out him joy and tightly clutched onto her hand with full on blushing cheeks. 

"So," Nami drawled with glaring eyes at the side of Luffy's head. "You need an escort back to your country is what I was told by your servant. The woman nodded and the group moved into a small alleyway to discuss the situation at hand. 

"My name is Princess Vivi of Alabasta. For three years my land has been plagued by civil war because of a certain man and organization meddling with our diplomatic affairs. The lands have been going through a serious drought, and the people are blaming my father for this cause," Vivi spoke, the longer she went on the more sad her eyes became. Her fist was clutched tightly at her chest and unshed tears pricked in the corners of her eyes. 

"Oh! Why didn't you say so, we can help you!" Luffy cheered with a carefree smile as he swung his and Anoki's intertwined hands back and forth. Nami nodded while Zoro scoffed, his eyes glaring at Luffy and at how easily he accepted another person's problems. 

"The organization is a dreadful one. They are run by an incredibly dangerous person; one of the warlords of the sea. He has thousands of followers who act as bounty hunters to give his name a good light in the public so it's easier for him to gain access to city affairs. That is what he is doing to my country now. I disguised myself and infiltrated the organization under the name of Miss Wednesday so I could get this information. I dare not say the warlords name but each person is ranked by numbers in accordance to their strength. Mr. 0, who is the leader, is the strongest while Mr. 1 and Mr. 2 would be in the next spot with their partners." Vivi explained while everyone was nodding along to what she was saying. 

"If the leader was to hear me disclosing this information! Oh I can imagine that he would chase you guys all throughout the Grand Line! Mr. Crocodile!" Vivi shouted out. 

Anoki shook her head in exasperation while the others screamed out in fear because of Vivi. 

"I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" She shouted with tears streaming down her face while Nami shook her back and forth. 



Hello everyone! I know this took a while but i watched all of Naruto during that time and have some ideas for a story with that. Online school  makes me want to cry and I hope everyone stays safe! 

Their AstronomerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя