Chapter 11

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Anoki growled and grumbled under her breath as she held Nathari. Her precious weapon wasn't the same, and there was no way for her or a blacksmith to repair it because the weapon was made of rare metals from her home island.

"Damn it.." she murmured as she threw Nathari to the side, the long blade penetrating deeply into the ground. She grabbed a black sash and tied the one dagger she had on her around her waist. Anoki felt empty without the weapon she's had since her early childhood. The weapon that's kept her alive for all of these years. She knew she'd never be able to craft a blade like that again.

Anoki continued her angry meandering around the forest and stopped in her tracks when she came face to face with a black tree. The black tree was quite long with branches that wisped high above the rest of the trees. There was no leaves on it, but what caught Anoki's attention was the strange looking fruit attached to the highest branch of the tree. The fruit was long and had stripes in a zebra like pattern. Anoki pulled out the dagger that was attached to her waist and slashed at the tree, causing it to tip over onto it's side. Anoki sheathed her weapon and walked over to the fruit and picked it up. She stared at the fruit for a while, her thumb brushing against the smooth texture and feeling the fine hairs that littered around it. Without much of a second thought, Anoki raised the fruit up to her soft pink lips and took a huge bite out of it.

The whole forest seemed to stand still while Anoki stood there, trembling and a shadowed look over her eyes. She audibly swallowed before sticking her tongue out and screaming as loud as she could.

"WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK!!!! HOW DO PEOPLE EAT THESE THINGS!?!?! I'M GOING TO VOMIT UP MY LIVER!" Anoki screamed while kneeling on the ground and clutching at her throat, crocodile tears streaming down her face at the horrid taste of the fruit. Her yells abruptly stopped as she felt tremors move down her entire body. Her body slowly lifted off the ground and was then enveloped in a black mist. In the few seconds that Anoki disappeared everyone on the island felt a shiver go down their spins, knowing that something dark has finally awoken.

Anoki slumped to the ground on her knees, her dark blue eye clenched tightly as for she could already feel the differences on her body. She slowly opened her eye and gasped lowly. Her hand was now completely black with her bones visible. Her fingertips, while showing bones, sharpened the tips into dangerously long claws. The darkness that showed her bones slowly disappeared as it traveled up her arm but started again at the base of her neck and stopped again at the bridge of her nose. Her shirt was ripped for her vertebrae tore through the back tore through in sharp spikes. The vertebrae weren't necessarily long but the grey smoke wavering off of them didn't look to friendly. Anoki felt around her head and felt her ears. They were a lot longer, kind of like an elves would be. Above her eyebrows were little curved horns and her canine teeth were longer and much sharper. Her toe nails were sharper too and the effect on her arms was the same on her lower legs.

From Anoki's shadow a tall skeletal figure emerged, startling the tall woman.

"So you are the one who ate the Shikyo no mi. Congratulations Anoki Heishi for you have eaten the fruit that the Devil himself doesn't want. You are the first to bare my fruit so I'll grant you a single wish."

Anoki stared up at what seemed to be the grim reaper himself, and the empty sockets he called eyes stared back. He looked elegant with the dark robes that were draped across his figure.

"I-I want a weapon. A spear. I don't care what it looks like but I need a reliable weapon that can handle my strength without breaking." Anoki said in a surprisingly calm and firm tone.
The skeletal figure stared wordlessly at Anoki before lifting two of his boney fingers into the air before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke. An inky black portal opened beneath Anoki's feet and a long bladed spear slowly emerged from the hole. 

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