Pick-up lines that I just randomly read

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Pick-up lines that I just randomly read

Comment the first pick-up line to make you smile (・ωー), some of it might be in the previous chapters too



Ivan : Hold my hand and I'll go anywhere with you

(I dunno if this is even a pick-up line)


Any country in particular : I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes


Crazy -

Kiku : Sometimes me

Also Kiku : Always for you *blushes*


Arthur : Love, you seem tired

(How so?)

Arthur : Because you've been running in my mind all day long


(This is too cheesy lololol)


Zao : I'm probably high on you


(Ey, be, si, di, i, ef, gi, eych, ai, jey, key--)

Any country in particular : That not how it is. Listen ; ey, bi, si, di, i, ef, ji, eych, ai love you will you marry me



Francis : Mon cher, do you believe at love at first sight? Or should I walk again?


Yao : Sorry I forgot your name, can I call you Mine?


Kiku : Can we cosplay your OTP?


Antonio : You're like a camera, everytime you look at me, I smile widely *wink*


(Who are you?)

Matthew : I am yours



Hitman!Jones : Are you a target? 'Cus I sure got my eyes on you


Ludwig : Hey jou!


Ludwig : Jou're arrested for stealing my heart


Flavio : You look really beautiful in those clothes! But I bet you'll look even better without it *wink*



Emil : *kiss* .......If you don't like it then give it back


Berwald : *stares* My wife


Romano : Fuck this! Fuck that! Fuck them! I Fuck you! You Fuck me too!

(Man I need to go to church more often)


Tino : Since you're a good I'll give you an early Christmas present *kiss*

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