GerIta x Child!Reader

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"Papa! Where's Vutti(Daddy/father/dad(am I wrong with the spelling or with tha meaning?))?! The movie's starting." You said to your loving papa, Feliciano Vargas. You may think that 'how the hell did two guys made a child?' Don't worry you're adopted.

"Ve~ Luddy~ Where are you ve?" Your papa called out.

"Just a little bit Feliciano, Y/n. Jou can start zhe movie vizhout me."

"But I wanna wait for Vutti!"

Sighing Ludwig answered "Fine. Just in a little bit."

"Yehey!" you and your papa both cheered. After your vutti finished the popcorns he went to the living room and sat down beside Feliciano(You were sitting on Feli's lap) and put an arm around him(bwahahahaha GerItaaaaaaaaaaaaa♡♡♡♡) with that the movie started.

*Time skip*

"I wanna watch another one vutti, can I pleeaaaaasssseeeee." You gave Ludwig the puppy dog eyes that was tought to you by your papa, uncle Alfred and auntie Elizza which he was not sure.

"Vhat do jou zhink Feliciano?" Your vuto asked your papa. Your papa smiled brightly and nodded while hugging you.

"Ve~ Y/n you need to sleep after the movie, si(yes)?"

"Si papa."

"Very well then." with that you picked the second movie which was f/m(favourite/movie). It was really fun and cool. You've loved that movie since you first watched it. It wasn't really boring so you enjoyed it. After the movie your papa and vuti decided to let you to sleep by tucking you a bedtime story for you to go to sleep.

"Good night Y/n." Your vuti said and kissed your forehead.

"Buona notte carina(good night cutie) Ti amo(I love you)" said your papa and kissed your cheek.

"Good night papa, vuti, Ti amo" with that both your parents tucked you again and kissed your cheek before leaving your room and going to their's.




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