Spain x Child!Reader

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"Papa!" You yelled at your father Antonio who was picking some tomatoes in his garden. "Papa! Papa!"

"Si chica?" He answered turning and smiling to you.

"I wanna play a guitara papa. Will you teach me por favor?(please(?))"

"After wards chica let me pick some tomatoes first, would you like to help your papa chica?"

"Si papa!" You answered your father as you ran towards him and helping him pick some tomatoes.

*Time Skip*

"Papa can you teach me how to play a guitar right now?" You asked Spain which made him smile.

"Si chica. Get papa's guitara and led it to me so I can teach you." with that you immediately went upstairs to his room and took his guitar with you. You went downstairs to see your papa talking to uncle Lovino and a unfamilliar woman who was actually the one talking to your papa.

"Ohhhh~ Is that Y/n? She's so cuuuute." The girl said and waved at your little figure. She has black hair and big dark brown eyes that you stared at for a while.

"Si chica. Y/n this is Elizza, Elizza this is Y/n my little chica." Your papa informed the woman. You shyly waved at her and she smiled kindly.

"Hello there Little Y/n. I will be taking care of you while your papa Toni goes out for a while. Just call me Autie by the way."

"H-hi auntie n-n-nice to meet you." since you aren't really confident you suttered which made Elizza giggle and pinch your cheek softly.

"So adorable."

"Oh and Lovi is also gonna take care of you chica." your father happily announced.

"Don't call me that tomato bas-" he quickly got cut by auntie Elizza who slapped her hand at his mouth.

"Not infront of the child Lovino." she has a scary glare that can make people run away from her. Of course your uncle Lovi got scared and shut his mouth already. Then her face turned back into a kind smile.

You faced your papa. "Papa can you teach me now how to play a guitara?"

"Of course chica."

"Can auntie Elizza and uncle Lovino sing with us too?"

"Si chica. C'mon now if you want to know how to learn." your papa grinned with uncle Lovino and auntie Elizza following.

*Time Skip*

"Wow papa you are awesome! I wanna be like you someday." you happily said to your father.

He smiled at you and said, "You will be as good as me someday Y/n. Just keep learning."

"Okay papa! Te amo!" you said as you hugged him.

"Te amo Y/n, now you should sleep, si?"

"Si papa!" You grabbed his hands and ran to your room. He tucked you and read you a bed night story and said goodnight to eachother.

"Goodnight Y/n, Te amo." he said before closing the lights and going to his own room. Then you smiled again and immediately fell asleep.



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