Italian!Brothers x Sister!Child!Reader

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"Ve~" you and your brother both muttered as you two smelt a familliar scent of a familliar italian food. You and your brother were currently drawing some bunch of cute things like cats, dogs, pasta(?) and more but you two were now drooling over a familliar scent that was in the kitchen.

"Ve~ grande fratello(big brother) I wanna eat pasta." you whined as you stood up in your small legs(SO CUTE!) and walked towards th kitchen.

"Sorellina(little sister) wait for me Ve~" Feliciano your brother yelled as he followed you to the kitchen. You two peeked and saw your playmate, Elizza and your other grande fratello eating some pasta and pizza. Happily. They didn't even informed the two of you.

"Ve~ Grande fratello Lovino why didn't you informed your fatelli(siblings) that you two will have pasta and pizza Ve~" you angrily interrupted their eating time that mad both Elizza and Lovino look at you. Elizza smiled and was about to give you pasta and pizza but was blocked by Lovino.

"Ve~ fratello you should share. Sharing is good." Feli butted in the conversation. You were mad at your brother for not giving you your favorite foods but you got an idea.

"Ve~ Feli let's give Lovi puppy dog eyes!" you whispered to your brother's ear earning a nod from him.

"Si sorellina!" with that you two dropped in your knees and gave Lovino those really cute puppy dog eyes.

"Fratello please give us pasta and pizza!" you and Feliciano both said in a cute way(Awwwww really adorable) as you two looked at Lovinos eyes.

"Make some for youselves!"




"Don't call me that!"

"You should give them some Lovi!"

"Not even you ragazza(girl)!"

"See fratello, even Elizza wanna give us some pasta and pizza. PLEEEAASSSE GIVE US SOME FRATELLO!"

"Fine!" With that he stomped to the living room and you could even hear curses from his 'innocent' mouth. You gave Feliciano a high-five as he took the bowl of pasta while you got the plate of pizza.

"Mission accomplished Ve~" You said and took a bite of the pizza.

"You two are adorable." Elizza suddenly interrupted by taking a picture of you two. But you didn't mind as long as your pizza was with you.



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