Philippines x Reader

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Male!Philippines x Reader


Reader-chan's POV

Wohoo! Today Juan invited me to his house. I'm pretty excited so I went down to see my adoptive sister who was munching on her sixth sandwich.

"Hey ate Elizza! Can I go to Juan's? Please?" I asked her with puppy dog eyes. She looked at me and said with her mouth full

"Shure Y/n! Tell Juan I shaid hi.-gulp- ohhh and bring some pasalubongs when you're back!"

"Sure sis. See ya." with that I walked out of the kitchen and immediately ran towards the front door but I was stopped by my three nephews, Kurt, Karl and Kristopher. 'Great'

"Hi auntie! Where are you going?" They all both said in tha same time with a sheepish smile on their faces.

"Umm to a. . . . . . Friend's house? Yeah to a friend's house." They looked at me curiosly and then got out of the way so I dashed out and ran towards Juan's humble abode.




The door gently opened to reaveal a half naked Juan. I blushed at the sight of him and looked away and his eyes widen and closed the door immediately. After a few minutes I heard the door open again and saw Juan already in his shirt.

"Umm magandang umaga(good morning) Y/n. Come in" he opened the door a little wider for me to enter.

"Good morning Juan. How are you?" I ased with a sweet smile. It made him blush a little as he scratched the back of his neck and looked away.

"Umm. . . Eh. . I'm okay. How about you?" He shyly said. His actions made me giggle a little bit and he looked at me weirdly.

"I'm fine Juan! So watcha wanna do?"

"Tara sa mall(let's go to the mall)!"

"Sure!" I replied quickly, grabbed his wrist and dashed outside without locking his front door.

•Time Skip• Philippine's POV

Y/n and I are currently walking towards the mall. I noticed that it's really hot today so I decided to do something I think I will regret.

"Hayyy naku and init dito(Oh my it's so hot here)! Ayoko na sa mundong ito(I don't want to be in this world anymore)." I said in an exhausted way.

"Calm down Juan. We're close." Y/n said, cluless of what I'm gonna say next.

"Kasi gusto ko sa mundo mo(because I want to be in your world)" she stopped in her tracks so did I. Tangina(fuck)! Sabi ko na nga ba ehh(I knew it)!' She looked at me with a blushing face and slapped my shoulder.

"Stop it Juan!" Then she walked again I followed some time after. After a while of walking I tripped on a rock and Y/n looked at me in shock.

"Aaaahhhhiiiii love you!" I said with a smirk. She looked angry and walked away leaving me but eventually I catched up with her and touched her shoulder. "Hey Y/n don't be mad. It's just some pick up lines." She just crossed her arms and looked away.

Reader-chan's POV

"Het Y/n don't ba mad. It's just some pick up lines." He said which made me more embarassed so I looked away, crossing my arms.

"Whatever! Gago(Bastard)!" I slapped his shoulder again and again. After a few minutes we I stopped and started walking again.

•Time Skip•

Finally. We arrived at the mall. Juan immediately dragged me to a filipino restaurant and ordered some food. Juan ordered adobo with 2 cups of rice while I ordered something called 'tinola' with a cup of rice and halo-halo for desert. After eating Juan payed for the meal and we went to different shops and bought somethings.

•Another Time Skip•

"Hah thanks for the treat Juan!" I thanked my brown haired friend with a smile as we walked towards my house.

"Walang ano man binibini(No problem, beautiful lady)~" he replied in a gentlemanly way, he then took my hand and kissed it which made me blush and smile at the same time. We finally arrived at the blue house. I was about to kock when the door suddenly opened amd revealed three little boys.

"Hi auntie Y/n! Hi uncle auntie Y/n's boyfriend!" They said at the same time. I always wonder how they do that. Anyways I blushed in a more red color when the called him that.

"Look, He's not my boyfriend-"

"Not yet." I slapped him again in the shoulder. Then suddenly I saw my sister.

"Hi Y/n! Oh hi Juan! Kids please go to your rooms. Come in, come in." she said with a smile and opened the door widely.

"Oh. Wag na(no need) Elizza. Aalis naman na ako ehh(I'll be leaving already). Hehe." Juan looked at me and smiled "Paalam binibini(goodbye, beautiful lady)" he took my hand once again and kissed it and then. . . . . .


I rolled my eyes as Juan left me with my smiling sister.



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