Sweet but a Psycho(1)

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Sweet but a Psycho(Part 1)
Yandere!N.Italy/Veneziano x Reader


2nd Person's POV

"Ve~ Y/n!" Yelled a familiar voice from your back. You whipped you head and saw Feli who was running towards you with Ludwig and Kiku following. You giggled and trew your arm open for Feliciano who gladly glomed at you, tavkling you both on the ground with a thud. "Ve~ Y/n, I miss you bella!" he hugged you tightly as you both heard footsteps from behind Feli. You looked at where it was coming and saw Ludwig with an angry expression whil Kiku was as emotionless as ever.

"Feliciano! Zizn't I tolz jou to not glomp on people like zhat!" You two stood up and Feli hid behind you.

"Ve~ Sorry Luddy, ve~"

"It's fine Ludwig, I'm pretty used to it." you gave a close eyed smile.



"Ve~ So what were you gonna say bella?" He asked as you glanced at him.

"Oh? What am I gonna say again?"

"Ve~ You said something about 'confessing' ve~" you blushed at his statement.

"Oh yeah, well, I was planning on confessing my feelings to Lovino, I've got a crush on him since freshman year, could you possibly tell me what kind of things does he like?" You didn't notice Feli's eyes darken at you mentioning Lovino's name. He had to get rid of his brother, add his friends with it.

"Uhh Hellooo, Feli?" You waved your hand in front of his face, he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and gave you a fake smile.

"Ohh Sì bella?"

"You were spacing out a minute ago, anyways, do you know what Lovi likes?"

"T-" but before he could tell you, the school bell rang, indicating that lunch was over.

"Awww, see you later Feli!" You waved then took yout things and head to your locker.

"Bella....." his fist clenched at the thought of you and his brother together.

"YoU'Re MiNe~"


Lovino's POV

I was walking to my class when I heard a sound or crying from the restrooms(forgive me, I don't know what will I use sooo). I realized it was my idiota fratello. I walked inside and saw my brother crying on the corner or the restroom,

"Oii! Fratello! Shouldn't you be in class? Why are you crying?" He looked up and looked at me, then he ran and hugged me, I was surprised that he did that, after a few seconds I finally hugged back, then I felt a pain at my back. My fratello stepped back and grinned creepily, with a bloody knife at his hand.

"W-Why- h-how could y-you?"

"MiA fRaTeLlo, YoU'rE oN tHe wAy of mE aNd Y/n'S lOvE, so I hAd to!"

"Y-you-" but before I could finish my sentence, everything went black. And the last thing I heard was



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