The Hearthrob's Personal Maid(Part 3)

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The Hearthrob's Personal Maid
Prussia x Reader
Part 3


You were staying at the kitchen when that happened. Gilbert came home drunk. He was stumbling when his hands landed on the kitchen counter making you gasp in surprise.

"Wha?" You looked at him and figured out that he was drunk. Of course, secretly caring for him, you got a glass of water and tried letting him drink. Note, tried. After that you then dragged him at his room with his arms slung at your shoulder while he was slurring. When you were about to push him at bed, he took you with him and chuckled.

"Jou must like this, huh Y/n?" He slurred, pinning your arms beside your head.

"Bastard! Let me go!"

"Nu, uh." This eyes then got wide and make choking sound. Oh, uh, the fucker's gonna throw up! And he did, at your shirt. He then took his shirt of showing his nicely toned chest that made you slightly drool a little bit.

"Eeewww! Get off me!" You pushed him and covered your nose with disgust. He let out a giggle, lying down on his bed and hugging his, also albino, teddy bear. You glared at his back and went to your roon to shower a bit and change and then you went back to his room to see him peacefully asleep. You gotta say, he's pretty cute for a half-human, half-monster albino. He then began saying something on his sleep.

"Mutti!.....Mutti no!" He then cried, hugging the bear tightly beside him. You let out a sigh and took a face towel to wipe his sweaty body. He stirred in his sleep and suddenly pulled you.

"Wha? Hey! Let me go!" You whisper/yelled at him. Since Gilbert was asleep he just held you tightly and brought out a smile.


"I gotta say, you're pretty angelic when you're sleeping, but is still an asshole." You stayed like that for a while but then when you thought that you would never get out of his tight grip, you relaxed and drifted off to sleep.


Gilbert wok up with a pounding headache. He tried to sit up at bed but then he realized that someone had an arm around him. He looked and faced you which made him blush. He felt something on his stomach that he couldn't understand. But now's not the time to do that. He began to sit up and took out a permanent marker and began connecting the pimples of your face. He made some stars, lines, etc.

"Zhat looks wunderbar(? Correct me if I'm wrong)."


When you woke up you felt like something was on your face. You aslo noticed that that bastard/boss was now out of bed. You immediately got out of bed and made his bed, you then proceeded to go to your room and bump into Madam Delaila who looked at you like there was something on your face. Which there is.

"What? Is something on my face?" She caressed her fingers at your face and moved to another.

"Connect the dots?"

"Huh?" You immediately ran to the nearest bathroom and looked at the mirror. Then you screamed in anger.



You exhaustedly walked toward Elizza and Jiannah with a tired face because of the face scrubbing you just did a few hours ago.

"Woah! What the heck happened to you gal?!" You lazily pointed at Gilbert who was talking to his group of friends and looked away.

"T-That bastard." The let out a gasp of surprise. Elizza laughed while Jiannah had a terrified face.

"You did 'it' with him?!" They both asked you at the same time. Elizza giggled while Jiannah's were high pitched shrieks.

"What?! What makes you think that?!"

"You look tired, I figured out that you did 'it'."

"Aaahhhh! You didn't telk me you were together?!"

"Alright first of all; we did not do 'it. Second; I'm not with him." The red-haired girl sighed in relief while the peralian pouted.

"Dang it."


"Hey ugly."

"What do you want again bastard."

"Didn't anyone told you to respect zheir superiors?"

"Didn't anyone told you to respect girls?" Your albino boss groaned and looked at you.

"Look, Ich dosen't want trouble."

"Fine, what the fucking hell is it?!"

"I need jou as a date." You choked on your spit and coughed three times.

"*cough* W-What?"

"Jou heard me ugly, Ich need jou as to acvompany me to a party." He said again, handing you an invitation.

"Well, you could have just said you need a date."

"Shut up, we're going to Jiannah's party at saturday and jou're coming wizh me. 19:00 sharp."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say bastard."


You were currently with Jonathan. After bumping on eachother a couple of times more, you two became bestfriends. Currently you were with him discussing about something.

"So, all I need you to do is give the ring to Jiannah before the power goes out. Within an hour it's going to be back on and I want you to lead Jiannah at the center of the room."

"That sounds kinda hard John."

"Please Y/n. Didn't you promise to owe me some?" You let out a groan and finally agreed.


"Great! Now come on! Let's go shopping!" He took you to the mall and bought you some clothes and shoes. You feel kinda lucku for having him as a friend. The last think you two got was the ring that you were suppose to give Jiannah.

"Woah! That looks nice."

"You like it?"


"Here, give me your hand."

"What?" You blushed, Jonathan rolled his eyes and took you hand, slipping the ring on your finger. "What are you doing John?"

"Just testing it if it would be the perfect size. And it gladly is. I hope Jiannah would like this."

"I'm sure she will, who wouldn't like a 250,000£ ring? I mean, if I were her I would gladly accept it." Jonathan chuckled.

"I'm really glad to have you as a friend Y/n." You were pretty hurt and glad at the same time. Meh, you ship your crush and bestfriend anyway.


Jiannah :
Hey N/n, so, you're invited at my birthday party at Saturday, 19:00 along with Elizza and some other people. Dress nice, byyyyeeee!


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