Chapter 127: Festival Preparations

Start from the beginning

Jiro tried to show him how to prevent him from getting off beat, but he just started to holler in return. I then walked over and tried to help since music is my natural talent. As I walked over, she showed him how his part went and in different sections when it was slightly different. When she finished with that and Bakugo was just sitting there, I asked, "May I try?"

"Sure." Jiro said under her breath as Bakugo reluctantly handed me the drum sticks and stood up, allowing me to sit on the stool.

Once I was behind the set, it felt weird since I'm so used to the one that I own. It was actually smaller than what I have since I have just about everything for it. Since I had an idea of how it sounded and what rhythms to do, I went to town. Since the set was smaller, I had to tone down what I sort of had planned since it didn't have all the snares that I have. I guess that in the end I did a little too much cause everyone was staring at me. I stood up as my face turned red and handed Bakugo the sticks back.

"Holy crap..." he said quietly as he took them.

"Y/N, I knew that you said you played a little bit of everything, but you just made what I had sound like a warm up." Jiro said in a surprised tone.

I replied nervously with my face still red, "R-really? I just added a little to what you had Bakugo playing. It wasn't much since the set is smaller than what I'm used to playing on."

"What?! You have a bigger one? Those cost a lot!" she said in the same tone as before.

"Ye-yeah...I just generate them..." I then gave a nervous smile, "It saves a lot of money since I have so many instruments."

She scoffed as she looked towards Bakugo who looked lost as she stared at the drum set in front of him, "Maybe I should kick him off of percussion and have you two switch."

"It-it's fine, I think that he'll do a wonderful job. Let's-" I said before getting cut off.

"Damn right I'm going to do a good job!" Bakugo hollered.

I then restarted with what I was going to say, "Let's run through it one more time."

Jiro then started for her spot on stage again as she said to everyone, "Alright, let's run through it one more time. After that we can chill until it's our turn."

We went through it in no time since no one made mistakes or anything like that. After that everyone pretty much went their own way. Since it was nearing lunch, I knew that I should eat otherwise I knew Aizawa would probably make me eat two meals worth of food during supper. I didn't want to have what was from the vendors outside, so I went to the cafeteria. When I got there, I saw that Mirio was there with Eri. Once I got what little I wanted to eat, I brought my tray over to them and asked, "May I join?"

"Sure!" Mirio said with a smile.

"Y/N!" Eri said, happy that I was there. "Sit by me!" she said as she put her hand on the chair next to her.

I gave a smile as I sat in the chair. Just as I took a seat, Midoriya joined. I began to eat the first of the three rice balls that I ordered. "You did a really good job on the bass, especially the drums! You put Kacchan in his place!" Midoriya said with a chuckle and a smile.

I too gave a chuckle, "Did I now?"

Eri tugged lightly on my jacket sleeve, "I thought you were going to be in the back?"

I gave a sigh, "I was, but then they heard my bass guitar playing and they all wanted me to play with the rest of them."

"You can play bass guitar?" Mirio asked.

"Yes, I can play a lot more too, but that's what I'm playing today." I replied.

He then looked to Midoriya, "What are you playing?"

Midoriya waved his hands as he said, "Oh, I'm not playing an instrument. I'm going to be dancing." He then thought of an idea, "Hey, when you get there, I'll dance with you, I promise." he said to Eri.

She nodded her head as she asked, "You promise?"

"Of course!" he said with a smile.

They talked as I ate what little I ordered. When I finished, I stood up to return my plate and tray. "Don't go!" Eri said loudly, making me freeze where I was, but then paused and added quietly, "Not yet."

I gave the best comforting smile that I could do, "Don't worry, I'll be back. I'm just going to drop these off over there and come right back."

"Okay." she said quietly yet satisfied with my plan.

I then walked to the table and sat back down with a smile as I joined them again. We then talked for a little while before Midoriya and I had to head back to the rest of the class and do touch ups before we had to perform. We still had plenty of time, but we decided to regroup then. Once we were all together and everything was ready, Midoriya went off to get a new rope or whatever. Since we still had plenty of time, I went off to the classroom to take a nap at my desk. As I was on my way to the classroom, Aizawa passed by me. As we passed each other, he asked, "Did you eat today?"

"Yes I did, you can ask Mirio, Midoriya and Eri." I said as I stopped.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it." he said before adding, "Hey, what were you doing during the show?"

I turned around to face him, "Well, I was going to be backstage, but then they caught me playing the bass guitar so Jiro pushed the bass part onto me. I almost got to do the drum part, but I said that Bakugo can keep that."

"You deserve to show off your talent rather than hiding in the back." he said.

I gave a sigh, "That's what everyone else said to try and get me to take the part."

He gave a chuckle before asking, "What are you doing all the way over here?"

"I was going to fit a quick nap in before I have to embarrass myself in front of a bunch of people."

"Oh you won't, you'll blow everyone away with your skills."

I turned around towards the classroom again, "Sure, if you say so."

I began walking as he said, "Don't sleep past the time that you have to perform."

I waved my hand, "I won't."

Once I arrived in the beautiful silent classroom, I went to my desk and began my nap. Since I had set an alarm for an hour before we had to do our part for the festival, I woke up and began back to where everyone else was. As I walked along, I was surprised that nerves weren't churning my stomach. Usually if I were to do something that was in front of many people, I could get nervous, but strangely I didn't have any. It was probably because I was still tired and hadn't comprehended what was to happen, but I didn't quite care since I didn't want to feel nervous. When I joined everyone, I noticed that Midoriya wasn't back yet, but I shrugged it off since we still had a little time and I wanted to warm up. As I was warming up, I was doing scales pretty fast since that's what I normally do. I know you're supposed to do them slow, but I don't think that doing them slow would help me for how well I can play. Once I was warmed up, I then began playing parts to other songs that I know besides the one that we were going to perform.

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