72- valentine's Day special.

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Bennetts pov:

Oh god. I hope she likes it. It didn't really go to plan as Rayshit- I mean Raymond- messed the whole fucking plan up!

So I've had to revert to plan B which is a candlelit dinner on the base roof with fake petals and the sun due to set in an hour. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, checking everything before running downstairs to check the food. Declan and Jordan had taken Naomi shopping, much to Declan's dismay. Poor guys, having to be stuck with Jordan whilst shopping.

I was dressed in a tuxedo, unusual for me, but I'd do anything for my sweet Naomi. Oh god, oh god, oh god. What if she doesn't like it? I was panicking so much.

I checked the food to ease my mind. Half an hour. The boys are due back in half an hour to three quarters of an hour.

I ran around checking everything again, making sure the petal trail was perfect and that everything on the roof was set up. Just in case of rain, I had a back up plan that the boys would set up in the kitchen and the living room. Well, they need to set up the living room anyways for after the meal, but they'll do that whilst we're eating so Naomi doesn't get spoiled.

Soon, I got a message from the boys. I quickly dishes up the dinners, leaving them on the side for the boys to bring up then rushed to the roof, where I sat and waited for Naomi. I played some soft music in the background, hoping for one dance before we went back down.

As my nerves started to surface again, I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself again.

Naomi soon emerged in a... A dress? And high heels? That's unusual... Oh wait. Jordan.

She was wobbling all over the place so I went and gave her my arm. She looked at the setup and collapsed against me out of shock.

"B-bennett, this is, this is amazing! Did you set this up?" I could hear the tears in her voice.

"Yes, I did, Naomi. I set it up for you," I smiled down at her as she gained her balance again. I took her hand and brought it up to my lips, giving it a small kiss, making her blush. "You look amazing, Naomi, like always."

"Thank you, Bennett. Thank you for all of this," she hugged me tightly, which I almost lost my balance out of surprise.

"Anything for you," I replied, hugging her back. I showed her to her seat, pulling it out for her before pushing it in once she sat down. I then proceeded to sit down myself, just in time for the boys to bring up the drinks and food.

I had made steak and potatoes to go on the side. She looked at the food, then at me, then back down at it again. "You even cooked!? You've done all of this?!"

"Yes, I have, Naomi," I chuckled at her shock.

"I-i haven't done anything!"

"All you have to do is be in my life for me to be happy," I smiled at her to which she grinned back.

"I didn't know you could be so cheesy, Bennett," she said as the boys left us in peace.

"Oh, there's more to come," I grinned at her. "And it'll never end, hopefully. But, to get that, you have to do one thing, of course."

"Go on..." She had a small smile on her face as if she knew what was going to happen. I got onto one knee and held her hand in mine.

"Naomi Lorraine, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes! I will! I will, I will!" We both stood and embraced eachother tightly before eating our meals and having a couple of dances.

We went to go back down into Naomi's room and to the living room where my next surprise was, but Naomi almost fell but I caught her.

"Stupid heels. Curse Jordan," she mumbled, to which I put my arms under her legs and round her back and lifted her up, carrying her downstairs despite her arguments.

She took of her shoes once we were in the living room which was basically a huge bed. She grinned and started to run around it.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She ran and kissed my cheek, leaving me blushing.

"This was only my idea, but I didn't make it. You better thank the boys."

"Thanks, boys!" She shouted.

"You're welcome!" They called back.

"Before we do anything, I want to show you something," I took her to the corner of the living room and showed her a door.

"How comes I never noticed this before?" She asked.

"We have our ways. I've been saving it since I first met you," I grinned at her before getting her to close her eyes. "There's a ramp so I'm going to carry you down so you don't fall."

"Any excuse for you to carry me," she joked.

"Of course, Princess," I laughed lightly as I picked her up. Once at the bottom I put her down and told her to open her eyes.

She gasped in shock as she took in the miniature library full of new books.

"Oh, my god! Bennett, you are the best!" She jumped into my arms and kissed my cheeks. "I love you so much!" She blushed after she realised what she said.

"I love you too, Naomi," I replied to which she kissed me, hard. I pulled away before we got to rough and pulled her back upstairs where two ice-cream sundaes were left on the coffee table, the TV signed into Netflix. "Let's go get changes into our pajamas so we're more comfortable."

We met downstairs again before eating the ice-cream and watching Netflix until early hours of the morning.

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