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So I was on my period. And it hurt like a bitch. Fuck stomach pains.

The boys dragged my to the base though, and they were baring gifts. Food, food, more food and new books.

But they also had something else. "Jordan, no way in hell am I doing that stupid fucking thing!" I heard from ten kitchen.

"Me either," Bennett grumbled out.

"Guys, we have to do it for Naomi!"

"As long as we're doing it to that song, right?" Declan's voice asked.

"Yes," Jordan replied.

"I'm in."

"Bennett?" They both asked.


"But it's for Naomi! Please!" Jordan begged.

"No-" he stopped what he was going to say. "Ugh, fine!"

They all walked into the living room where I was sat eating, a blanket wrapped round me, reading a book.

"Naomi, can you stop reading for a moment?" Jordan asked, making sure I put my bookmark in my book before taking it away and placing it on the table.

It's like he doesn't trust me.

Who would when I'd be in a conversation then start reading?

Heh. I'm a book nerd. Don't judge meh.

"I'm going to regret this," Bennett mumbled. "But it's for Naomi, so I have to do it." The boys didn't hear it, but I did.

"Right, Declan, music?" Jordan asked.

"Ready," Declan pressed play on his phone before he stood to the left of Jordan. Bennett was on the right.

Single ladies from Beyonce rang out. And fuck me.

They started to do the dance in the music video. Even Bennett.



I recorded it as I pissed myself with laughter. Watching all of them look so enthusiastic whilst doing it was hilarious. Even Bennett tried to look enthusiastic.

I cried with laughter as they finished the song. Declan and Jordan high fived as Bennett walked off into the kitchen.

He honestly didn't look too bad doing it, but it was still hilarious watching all of them doing it.

"I feel so much better now," I said through tears of laughter.

"That's good," Declan and Jordan grinned at me.

Jordan whispered in my ear. "Go get your guy."

He walked off with Declan as I was left confused, before I realised what they meant. I went into the kitchen to find Bennett aggressively chopping vegetables up. He's like a mum who shows aggression and anger through their actions.

"Thank you for doing that for me, Bennett. I know you must-" I started as Bennett turned around. He cut me off by kissing me gently, before turning back and carrying on with what he was doing, not saying even a single word.

I just smiled to myself as I went into the living room and carried on reading like before.

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