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Jordans pov:

"Can't she see that I love her?!" Declan asked quietly to me. I turned towards him.

"No, she can't. Do you want to know why?"

"I already know, but go on."

"Because she loves Bennett! And here we are, stuck not having the love of out lives. Why couldn't Bennett just leave her alone? Why did he have to confess when he knows both of us love her. One of us could have a chance for once."

"It's fucking annoying! He gets every girl! This one I actually love, it's not lust! Now he's got her, the only girl I'll truly love."

"Yeah." I agreed quietly. Declan stood up and punched the wall.

"I'm going to the gym. Wanna come?" He asked, well, more like grunted.

"Sure." I answered grumpily.


When we got to the gym, Declan went straight to the boxing area. I went straight to the running section.

I ran and ran for hours, not even stopping for a drink. My lungs heaved, but I still kept going. I ran and ran until I almost collapsed, my lungs felt like they were dying slowly.

I couldn't breath, and I ended up rushing to the bathrooms to puke my guts up.

"Dude, are you alright?" Declan asked, standing behind me.


"Did you overdo the running?"

"Yeah, but it's numbing the mental pain, which is good."

"Dude, don't say that. You sound like a phsycho."

"Maybe I am a phsycho." I tried to shrug before heaving again into the bowl of the loo.

"I bought you some water." Declan handed me the water.

"Thanks." I took a sip of it, feeling better instantly. I turned towards Declan and saw the bandages on his hands.

"So I'm not the only one that overdid it?" I asked, more like stated, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"Do you wanna leave?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's get food."

"I'm not hungry."

"Jordan Wallace not hungry? Now that's saying something. Come on, you need to eat something, especially after that." He motioned towards the toilet.

"No, I don't. I'm fine."

"If you were fine then that wouldn't happen. Look, I'll get you vanilla ice cream."

"Fine." Declan held out his hand which I grabbed, and he pulled me up. "Thanks." I muttered.

"Your welcome, dude. Do you want to go and see Naomi? Or will it make you worse, do you think?"

"It'll help for the moment, but then I'll become worse probably."

"I don't know who this has hit harder, me or you."


"Well, I'm kinda normal, especially to how out of character you are. So, I take it that it's affected you way more. You really are in love, huh?"

"I'm not the only one."

"True. Woah, dude, are you sure you're alright?" Declan asked, as I almost fell and he caught me.

"I don't know what's happening." Suddenly, everything went dark.


I woke up in a strange bed. My eyes took a while to adjust to the light. "He's awake!" Someone shouted. I looked to see Declan.

TGGBB: Bennomi ships.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant