14 p1

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Naomis pov:

I checked my phone. He should be here by now. He is 30 minutes late. Like usual. I don't mind if he doesn't turn up though. I will be hurt but it's for the better.

I went onto my messenger and messaged Declan. When will you be here?

So this is my second date with one of the guys. So Jordan was first. We went spray painting, went for a walk, went to the cinema and went to a restaurant. I had so much fun but we agreed that between us two it will just be really close friends. Jordan does like me, but he says he doesn't want to ruin our friendship.

We also can't get the hang off romantic things together.

I was cut off from my thoughts when I saw Declan. He walked in. He came and sat down and smiled and winked. He took of his sunglasses.

You would never guess what he did next. You would think he greeted me, or gave me something, or order something. But no. He turns around in his seat and starts to flirt with the girls behind him.

I stood up and walked out. I didn't look back. Tears were threatening to spill. So this is the third date he has let me down. The first two I was stood up then ignored on the third one. Great. Why did I even give him a second chance let alone third?

Because I'm a nice person. That's why.

I walked out and rang Jordan and Bennett on a group call. They both answered at the same time. "Woah! How do you answer at exactly the same time?"

"We are sat next to eachother." Bennett said. I could see him shrug.

"Oh, someone put me on speaker and somebody end the call." Jordan ended it and Bennett put me on speaker.

"Anyways, why'd you ring? Aren't you supposed to be on a date with Declan?" Jordan asked.

"That's the thing. So the first two dates he stands me up as you know, and the third one he walks in, doesn't even acknowledge me, turns around and starts flirting with these girls behind him."

"That dick! That takes guts to do, especially when that girl is best friends with Jordan Wallace and Bennett Frazier. Am I right, Bennett?"

Bennett stayed silent. "Bennett? Are you alright mate? You seem out of it."

"Oh, yeah, yeah I'm fine Jordan."

"Ok, good." I could hear whispering but couldn't make it out.

"Um, Bennett, can you maybe pick me up, please? You can bring Jordan along as well. I need to be distracted from him. Oh speak of the devil." I said.

I put my phone on speaker. "Be quiet guys." I said then put my phone in my pocket. "Declan what do you want?"

"To see my date."

I scoffed. "Now your interested. Has your other dates left?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act stupid with me. You came in, sat down, didn't even acknowledge my existence, turned around and started flirting with those girls behind you."

"I wasn't flirting with them. They were flirting with me."

I scoffed again. "Likely story, Declan. Now fuck off."

"I'm not going to fuck off." He grabbed my waist and pulled my back onto his waist.

"Declan let me go!" He started to whistle like nothing was happening. He was basically trying to rape me with his clothes on. "Get the fuck off me!"

Then I saw Bennetts car pull up. He hadn't even stopped when Jordan came running out, then Bennett after him. "Jordan! Get Naomi into the car."

Bennett ripped Declan off me, being careful as to not hurt me. He had a fire in his eyes. A fire that scared me knowing that he will burn anyone with that fire that he looks at. "Naomi, quickly. Bennetts not happy, and when Bennetts not happy it's not a pretty sight."

We ran to the car and got in. I looked out of the window. I saw Bennett on top of Declan, punching the life out of him. "Naomi, don't look. I don't want you to be afraid of Bennett."

"Woah. I can't believe I'm saying this but this is one hell of a great sight."

Jordan gave me a confused look. "What? Ok so I'm going to admit to you and don't tell anyone. Bennett is hot when he is phsycho." Jordan chuckled.

"You wouldn't be saying that is you were his target. Trust me, I haven't been there but I don't want to be. I've seen that side of him plenty of times. Plenty of times to many might I add."

I saw Bennett stand up and spit on Declans unconscious body before making his way to the car. He got in and sat down like nothing happened. "Jordan, did she see anything?"

"She saw the whole thing. I tried to stop her, but she refused."

"Naomi, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? For protecting me? Thank you, Bennett. And I got to admit that that was the best thing I've ever seen. It's better than in the films and books."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you, Naomi. I try with my acting skills." He let out a chuckle. I smiled at him through the mirror in the front. Then I stood up and climbed through the front, putting my hand on Bennetts shoulder to steady myself. "Sorry."

"It's fine." I saw his face going slightly pink.

"Are you blushing?"

"Hell yeah he is." Jordan shouted.

"I've gotta say that is adorable." He blushed more at my comment.

"This is why I hate being fucking pale."

"Your a vampire, Bennett."

"Why thank you." He smiled at me. My heart jumped.

Wait...what just happened? Do I have feelings for the Bennett Frazier? Oh my gawd! I do. Oh I need to tell someone when we get back to the base.

"What do you mean by when we get back to the base?" Jordan asked.

"How much did you hear? I didn't mean to say it out loud."

"All I heard was when we get back to the base."

"Oh ok. I was just thinking. And I was thinking of making a fort when we get to the base and having a movie marathon."

"A horror movie marathon?" Jordan asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm good with that."

I saw Bennett smirk slightly before he put his poker face back on. That was weird....

A/n finally an update. Sorry just had revision and that. Should hopefully update more after this week and next weekend I'm going on a boat from Friday night to Sunday night.

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