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I sat down on the sofa inbetween Jordan and Declan. They were (surprise, surprise) arguing. Nothing changes there.

I don't even know what it's about anymore. It's gone from flavours to sexiness to I don't even know what.

I was so busy trying to block the boys out that I didn't even notice Bennett walk in. "Oh my God! Guys, just shut up!" Bennett snapped.

The two went silent, well, Jordan had to mutter a "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." first.

"Seriously, Jordan? Did you have to make him worse? You can see he's in a bad mood." I asked.

"Ooh, your sticking up for your boyfriend. How sweet." He responded sarcastically.

"He's not my boyfriend. And at least me and Declan actually don't bother him when he's angry."

"This probably isn't helping, Naomi." Jordan added.

"Yeah, I know. But your making me mad because you don't know how to actually be nice to someone when you can see what's wrong with them." I snapped.

"I see when your beaten to a pulp and I help you!" He shouted.

"Don't you dare turn that onto Naomi." Declan warned, stepping into the new argument.

"Yeah, Jordan, don't make me worse. If you say anything like that to Naomi again and I'm angrier than I am now I will come and beat you to a pulp." Bennett added.

"Why does everyone stand up for Naomi?" Jordan asked.

"Because she stood up for me and Declan was just warning you not to bring them memories back for her! You know what it does to someone!" Bennett argued.

"Don't you think I know that?!" Jordan screamed at Bennett.

"No, because the way you fired that on Naomi seems like you don't. I know what happened to you, Jordan, and you know not to turn it onto Naomi. She's been through enough. She's been through worse than us!" Bennett started to shout.

Me and Declan shared a look. A mix between fear and confusion.

"I know that!"

"Act like you know that, then! Don't turn it on her! She could scar herself in two ways from it!" You could see the tears and anger forming in Bennett's eyes.

"Yeah, I know! Stop going on about your girlfriend! That's the only person you care about! Now we know why you left your family because you only care about Naomi!"

Bennetts face turned into pure anger. In seconds, Jordan was up against the wall. "Don't you dare say that again. You know why I left my family! I care about you, Declan and Naomi. I care about my mum!" A tear streamed down Bennett's face.

"Yeah, cause your a mummas boy."

"Bad move." Declan whispered to me.

"Should we save him from Bennett's wrath? He might end up dying." I asked, more casually than I should have.

"How comes you aren't freaking out like usual?"

"Jordan deserves it." I shrugged.

"And Raymond doesn't?" Declan raised an eyebrow.

"I may or may not find this side to Bennett hot." My cheeks went red.

"Knew it." Declan whispered, not saying anything else about the matter.

I went back to watching Bennett straddling Jordan and throwing punch after punch in his once handsome face.

"One way to get your anger out." Bennett said as he stood up. "Food anyone?"

I burst out laughing. Bent gave me a confused look as Declan joined in too. I doubled over, dying of lack of oxygen. "Ok, ok, I'll explain, as Naomi is dying over here." Declan started. "So, you beat him to a pulp, stand up and act as if nothing happened. Then you asked if anyone wants food so innocently like a little kid." Me and Declan laugh harder as Bennett just shrugs.

"What was I supposed to do? Stand up and scream I want to fuck someone?" Me and Declan laughed even harder if that's possible.

"Bennett, please just stop. Your going to end up killing someone." I said between laughs.

"Well, I will if you tell me what I was supposed to say."

"That's why you don't mess with me when I'm angry or something." Declan explained.

"I don't do this often so like I didn't know I was supposed to say that!"

"Yeah, don't worry. No one died, luckily. Well, Jordan might've but not me or Declan." I said.


"Spill." Declan said, as he sat on the edge of my bed, with his arms crossed.

"I kinda like Bennett." I said bluntly, knowing there is no point in trying to lie or anything to Declan.

"Ok, should I tell him?"

"No, because he doesn't like me. It might ruin our friendship, plus you and Jordan."

"I'm fine with it. I'm into Brennan anyways." He shrugged.

I stared at him. "I'm joking! Don't kill me. I won't turn into your brother in law or whatever. You won't be my sister in law, no offense, hopefully."

"Yeah, and no offense to you."

"Anyways, that guy does like you."

"No he doesn't. Stop messing with me, Dec."

"I'm not messing with you. I'm being honest. I wouldn't lie about something like this or joke." He reasoned.

"Ok, so if I go down there and kiss him he'll be fine with it?"

"Yeah." Dec shrugged.

"Ok. I'm trusting you on this." So that's what I did. I went down and kissed Bennett. Then, Bennomi became a thing.

A/n I wanted to add another oneshot tonight so that's why it's kinda short. Also, I didn't know how to end it cause I feel they all end the same. I might change one up soon to see how it goes. Anyways, bye

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