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Bennetts pov:

I sat down in the kitchen at the table, with multiple packs of beers. I got one out and chugged it down, thinking of Naomi as I did so.

"Bennett, not this again," Jordan came in and took the packs of beer.

"Why not?"

"Your going to end up drinking yourself to death," Jordan had concern on his face. "And we don't want that."

"Nobody will care," I shrugged.

"Seriously?! No one will care? Bennett, are you stupid?!" He asked. "Me and Declan will care because we are your best friends, and Naomi will care because she's fucking head over heels for you."

"Stop lying to me, Jordan. She doesn't like me, so don't get my hopes up."

"You like Naomi......" Realisation crossed his face.

"No shit Sherlock," I muttered.

"Dude, she's single," he started. "You have a chance. Talk to her, because she is head over heels for you. I've seen the way she looks at you."

"Who looks at him?" Naomi asked.

"You do. You look at him as if you love him, and he looks at you the same way," Jordan winked at me.

"Jordan! D-did you fell him?!" Naomi asked. Jordan nodded. "Your so fucking dead!"

"And he just basically told you about me," I said, standing up.

"Now's my cue to leave. Oh, and your welcome lovebirds," the blonde ran out of the room and locked the door.

"So........" I said.

"This is awkward," Naomi smiled.

"When am I not awkward?" I asked, laughing.

"True," she laughed as well.

"Plans on murdering Jordan?" I asked.

"Torture him, then leave him for dead in the dessert where vultures can eat him."

"Yeah, or leave him with no food for torture," I smiled.

"That is torture," she agreed.

"And eat in front of him."

"Eat your cooking in front of him," Naomi said making me blush.

"I'm not that good at cooking," I smiled.

"Totally not," Naomi laughed.

"What? It's true," I laughed.

"Tell yourself that when you try someone else's cooking."

"Ok, I will," I smiled with my arms crossed. Naomi just rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, what to do now?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Uh," I started, thinking.

"Maybe we can do what Jordan wanted us too...."

I smirked and grabbed her wrist, pulling her onto my lap. She held onto my shirt and kissed me passionately.

My arms were around her waist as she straddled me.

We made out for a bit as my emotions ran marathons through my head. We pulled away, leaning our foreheads together.

"I love you, Bennett," she whispered.

"I love you too, Naomi."

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