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Bennett pulled me into him and kissed the top of my head. "I love you, babe." He whispered into my ear. He started to nuzzle his head into my neck.

"I love you more, babe." I replied, leaning into him. I ran one of my hands through his messy hair and styled it into its usual style, just messier.

"Come on, let's make breakfast. As comfortable as I am, we can't stay in bed all day."

"Why not?" I pouted. He just laughed at me. "Now your laughing at me! That's mean!" I crossed my arms as he laughed harder.

"C'mon, let's go get food."

"Oh, food!" I stood up and ran to the bathroom to get dressed.


I sat on the stool downstairs in my lazy day outfit. I had my hair up in a messy bun with leggings and one of my beloved boyfriends' jumpers. He's going to kill me once he sees me in his Sam and Colby merch. Meh, he loves me too much. Plus, he has more of their merch, and he knows how much I love them, especially the haunted hotels and that.

Bennett walked in, his hair still messy. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and his signature jeans. "Hey, babe." My boyfriend came and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey. Can I help you cook?" I pouted at him and gave him my best puppy eyes.

"Sure." He said, going to ruffle my hair then realized it was tied up.

"Hah! You can't ruffle my hair." I smirked. "But I can ruffle yours."

"Well, you have to catch me first."

"You can hide but you can't run. Actually, you can't hide either. I'll find you."

"You'd be a good serial killer."

"Yeah, and your my first victim." I stood up and chased him through the house. He was almost the same speed as me, but just slightly slower.

I caught him and jumped on his back, making him fall. He started to laugh as I rolled him over then straddled him. I leant down and kissed his nose, finishing it by ruffling his hair.

He came upwards and kissed me passionately. "Come on, let's go cook. I don't want you to sit on me all day."

"You'd enjoy that, wouldn't you, Bennett?" A tinge of pink came to his pale face.

"Mean." He pouted at me.

"You look like Jordan doing that. And that is not a good look." I said, emphasising the not.

"Oh god, help me. I don't wanna be like Jordan!"

"Maybe you shouldn't hang out with him so much. If your turning like him, I wonder what Declan will be like." I replied.

"The poor guy. Anyways, let's go." He pushed me off him, gently. Bennett stood up, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the kitchen.

He grabbed all of the ingredients and a cook book for me. "Ok, can you make the icing for later?" Bent asked.

"Sure." I added all the ingredients. I managed to mix it without making too much of a mess.

Once we finished making the cake, it was time to add the icing. "Bennett, can you do this part? I'll get it everywhere even though it's the best part." I pouted.

"No, you do it. I'll guide you." He stood behind me, his hands over mine. He guided me through the steps to add the icing.

We finished that with icing to spare. I got some and put it on Bennett's nose. I snapped a picture before planting my phone back in its original place in my back pocket.

Bennett flicked some at me. I wiped it off, as well as Bennett getting it off his nose. "You've still got some on your nose." I smiled at my lie. I pulled him towards me and kissed his nose. He pouted.

"So do you." Then he pulled me in, kissing me passionately, leaving me waiting for more. "Come on, let's go and watch some films."

So, that's what we did. Just include kissing and cuddling to that.

A/n ok, short one shot. This was recommended by keir2017 to do a oneshot of them when they are dating, so here ya go.

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