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A/n ok so this is gonna be one where Naomi doesn't know the boys so enjoy. Also sorry for not updating I've had writer's block but I'm gonna try.

I sat in the alleyway and cried. I cried and cried until I felt numb from the pain. I couldn't stand, I could barely breathe. It's the worst state I've ever been in. I just sat there, feeling like I deserved it, because I did.

I came to this school, I met them wrong people, I am ugly, I'm a nerd, I breathed, I existed. All the words used to sting but now I know it's true. The words don't affect me anymore because it's true.

This life isn't like my books either. I won't have a knight in shining armour to save me from this mess. Maybe I should listen to them and end it all, to end my misery.

I don't deserve to be here. All I am is an ugly, piece of trash in everyone's way. I'm always the crap on the shoe, the dirt someone can't remove as much as they wanted to, no matter how hard they scrub at it.

I just love being the punching bag for everyone! Note sarcasm.

What have I ever done to them though? People say bullies bully others because they've been bullied, but the whole school can't have been bullied. I've grown up with them, they've never been bullied, but they've been the bullies.

Everything started to fade to darkness, cutting me out of my thoughts. The last thing I remember seeing is one of the new students. He had a straight face on but his peircing blue eyes showed concern. His black bangs almost hid the icy blue I made out as his eyes. His jaw line looked perfect and I could just about see some piercings on his ear.

Then I was enveloped in a hug from darkness itself.


I woke up in soft silk sheets. This wasn't my bed. My eyes shot open, but I regretted it immediately. The light blinded me for a couple of seconds.

I tried to roll over but I could barely move. I moved my head slightly to get a look around the room. It was a pretty basic room. Cream walls with a book shelf stocked with books. A bed side table was next to me with my phone on charge and my bag.

I looked down and saw I was in a different top. I didn't have any trousers. All I had was an extremely long top. It was MCR merch. They have good taste in music.

"Ah! She's awake. Bennett! The girl you saved is awake." A cheerful voice shouted. I saw a tall guy with emerald eyes and blonde, curly hair.

"Jordan, shut up. Leave Bennett alone." A gruff voice said. I saw a muscular guy with brown hair and eyes to match.

"Guys! Shut up I've got a headache from you. She doesn't need one either." A voice snapped. Then I looked to see the handsome face that saved me yesterday.

I tried to manage a smile. "Let's help her up. Jordan your probably too weak to hold her up. No offense." The buff guy looked at me.

"Hey! Declan your evil."

"Bennett, help me here."

"Declan you don't need help. Your like hulk." The icy blue eyed guy said.

"Uh...... Hi. I'm Naomi. Thanks for saving me." I said, interupting their conversation.

"I'm Jordan." The green eyed one said.

"I'm Declan." The brown eyed one said.

"I'm Bennett." The last one said.

"He saved you. He wants to kiss you. Also this is probably gonna be the most he speaks to you in one go." Jordan piped in.

"Jordan. Do you want to die?"

"No, not really. I'm too pretty."

"Declan, wanna do the honours?"

"Gladly." Declan cracked his knuckles and smirked. Declan chased Jordan out of the room.

Bennett came over to me and lifted me up, letting me sit up properly. He adjusted the pillow behind me. He pulled back his hand and raised it slightly. I flinched.

He gave me a confused look. "Reflexes. I've been bullied so long it's just natural to flinch whenever someone raises a hand or anything." He frowned.

I swear I heard him mutter something about how he knows how I feel. "We didn't look when we changed you, don't worry. We aren't pedos." He joked.

I smiled. "Gentlemen, I see."

"I might be but the others definitely aren't."

"We heard that!" They said together.

"You were meant to." He rolled his eyes and smiled. "I take it your the nerd everyone is talking about?"

"Yeah. Everyone hates me and bullies me." I don't know why I'm telling him this, but I just feel comfortable telling him this.

"Well, I can tell you now, I, well, we, won't ever hurt you. If you ever need a helping hand with punching someone, Declan likes a good punching bag, and so do I if I'm mad." He smiled at me. I smiled back.

"I think we're gonna get along."

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