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Trigger warning: self harm

3rd person:

Tears were in his eyes, due to leak any moment, his hand shaky as he held the razor blade over his wrist. He looked up from his wrist and the blade to take a look at his reflection. All it showed was a tired, suicidal boy, all alone in such a big world, everyone against him. He'd lost everything.

He'd lost his mother. He'd lost his father to the company. His friends were off having fun together, without him. They didn't even ask him if he was ok before they left. They didn't even offer a hello, let alone to ask if he wanted to go with them.

He placed both hands on the side of the bathroom sink, trying to hold it together as best he could. But there's only so little one man can hold back.

So the tears came flooding, the screams erupted from his throat, the overwhelming feeling of worthlessness taking over. He'd tried his best to fight, but he had lost his war.

He had mentally died. He had lost himself to the depression, to the feeling of emptiness and the fake smiles. He had lost himself to the death of his mother and the lack of parentship from his father. He had lost himself to the loneliness his friends had ditched him with.

They no longer cared for him, neither did anyone else. Even he had stopped caring for himself. So if no one cared, no one would get hurt if he did this, right? No one would cry by his grave, wishing and hoping to go back in time and to spot the signs, to help him out of his darkness.

No one.

No one loved him.

No one cared.

The one person that did had left him alone on this earth. It was now his time to go and meet her, to be with her for eternity.

He met his pale blue eyes in the mirror, the tears still rolling down his pale cheeks. He held eye contact as if he placed the razor back on his skin, slowly dragging it across and revealing the metallic liquid that lay beneath.

No one could save him now.

He'd done it, there was no going back.

Instead of stopping there, though, he carried on. More and more scars appeared on his arms, once bear and innocent. Now all scarred and full of sin. His self hatred had been poured into those scars that now lay there, blood leaking out from whatever gap it could.

He placed the blade down, more tears stinging his eyes. He looked at his work, blood staining his skin, tear stained cheeks, broken heart. He was broken. No one could fix him.

Indecision was sat in his mind, before he made up his mind. He didn't even leave a note, there was no point. No one would read it anyways. Instead, he grabbed the rope and stool, heading into the garage. Tying up the rope, he took a deep breath, standing on the stall.

He held the noose in his hands, before giving the world one last half hearted, fake smile and slipping it around his neck.

"Goodbye cruel world, it wasn't a pleasure knowing you."

His last words. His final goodbye.

And then the stool fell to the ground.

At the same time, Naomi rushed through the door, her face turning pale.

Hello. I'm still alive lmaoo and thought I'd update for onceeee. I wanna get back into writing even if it means late at night writing sessions. Who needs sleep anyways?

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