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Still Jordans pov:

I looked over at Naomi's picture. It was the one with us all together. We were all wearing mustaches and funny hats and outfits, but then there is Bennett. He looked like he didn't want to be there. Luckily, she didn't add him. I admit, it ruined the photo at the time.

My jaw dropped. "How, when, why, what, where? When did you get so good at art?"

"It's called practice, Jordan. I've been taking online classes. Plus, I've been practicing to spray paint all over Bennetts house."

"When are you planning to do this daring deed?"

"Already done." She took out her phone and showed me a picture. I high fived her.

"You go, gurl!" She smiled at me in return.

"Oh, I wanted to ask. Do you think we can become the three musketeers? Without Bennett?"

"We could do, I was thinking about it earlier, but he is a duck. He will probably hunt us down when he finds out and his money can always make us go to prison or something for no reason." I reasoned. "It's happened before."

Her jaw dropped. "Why?"

"Someone messed with Bennett. I'm not going into details. All I'm going to say is that she was an ex."

"What do you mean by was?"

"Well, when she got out of prison, she kind off hunted Bennett down. He started to threaten her and kinda did some real bad shit to her. Then, she killed herself."

"I want details. Just so I know if it happens to me."

"Fine. So her name was Louise. She was the complete opposite to Bennett. Other than the blue eyes, but she had friendly blue eyes. She spoke to everyone and had long blonde hair. Everyone thought of her as the most beautiful and friendly girl in school. Deep down though, she was having a real hard time. She broke up with Bennett and explained about how she just isnt coping with life and that she needed less stress on her to be looking out for someone else. He started saying how he didn't need looking after. She reasoned with him and said she doesn't want someone looking over her if she can look after them back.

Bennett paid the police £10000 to get her in jail for no reason. They would only take her for one year, because one she hadn't done anything, two they needed the money and three they didn't want to have to mess with Bennett. Bennett had to go through with it or he would go to jail. So, she could only go for a year or not at all. She got out with scars up her arm. She hunted Bennett down and screamed and shouted at him in front of me and Declan. We both looked at him. She was our friend, Bennett stole her away because he 'loved' her.

He told us that she was caught stealing. I don't want that to happen to you. He took you away from me and Declan and every time it happens something bad happens, like with Louise. It became so much that she had killed herself because of him. It's so sad to know that, but me and Declan knew nothing about it. He lied to us, Naomi. I don't want him to do it again, or lie to you. I know what he is like. Whatever you do, don't get on his wrong side. And whatever you do, dont cut or kill yourself. Don't show him that your weak, because your not."

She looked at me, mouth wide open. I heard her whisper, "how dare he? To such an innocent girl? I hope that doesn't happen to me."

"I will make sure it doesn't happen to you." A voice from behind us said. "Well, he shouldn't now I've beaten the crap out of him." I heard something drop. I turned around to see it was Bennett. "I've got to admit, he was a decent fight. He went super phsycho on me. Not as bad as usual, but still, when he's phsycho he can murder the whole planet."

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