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A/n before I begin, this is going to be with Rose again. I did start writing guns and roses but deleted it so I'm tempted to re-write it and this might be used for the second chappie. I'm not sure yet, though.

Roses pov:

Me and Bennett walked into AP Literature together. Bennett moved away from me to sit in his seat at the back. I walked over to the teacher.

"Hey, miss, I'm new. Where should I sit?" I smiled at her sweetly.


"Rose Blake."

"Have you met anyone yet?"

"Yes. I've met four people."

"Is anyone of them in this class?"

"Yes. Bennett Frazier."

"Sit by him." She gave me a disgusted look when I mentioned Bennett. When she turned around I have her an even more disgusted look.

I walked over to Bennett. I told him about her giving me a disgusted look. He just responded with a shrug and kept his poker face on.

I looked at the kid next to him. "Kid, move. I've been told to sit here."

"What if I said no?" He said cockily, rocking in his chair.

"Then I'll do this." He gave me a confused look.

I walked round behind him and grabbed one of the chair legs he's swinging on. I pulled it towards me. The kid fell off his chair. Everyone stared and laughed. I sat down on the chair.

"Teaches you not to mess with me or swing on your chair." The kid gave me an evil glare. I looked at Bennett who was trying (but failing) to hide his smile. He managed to choke back a laugh, though.

"What?" I asked him.

"That is the best thing I've ever seen." He burst out laughing now.

"Well, he shouldn't mess with me."

"I'm waiting for Jordan or Declan to mess with you and you send them flying off their feet."

"Well, Mr Frazier, wait and see. I will try and make that come true for you."

He just smiled. "You need to teach me your ways, Rose."


I put the lid back on my pen. I massaged my hand. It's only been half of the lesson and I had finished writing the story. I put my hand up.

"Yes, miss Blake?"

"I'm done. Can I listen to music?"

"Let me check it first."

She came over to my desk. She grabbed my paper. "Very neat handwriting, miss Blake."

"Thanks. I try."

After going through it, she handed it back to me. "Very good. That's easily an A straight of the bat. You may listen to music."

"Thanks, miss."

I got out my phone and earphones. I played my music. It took every single ounce of energy to make sure I didn't start singing or dancing. Somebody removed one of my earphones. I turned to see Bennett now had it in his ear.

I just smiled. He started to slightly move his head when teenagers by My Chemical Romance came on. I smiled even harder. He likes my music. He turned to me. "Nice music. Oh, can you check my work, Miss straight A's."

I went through it and corrected the things that needed to be corrected. "More emotion. You need more emotion, Bennett. With this type of story your trying to write, you need more thoughts and feelings, less actions."

He just nodded. "Other than that it's pretty good, other than the odd spelling and punctuation mistake."

"You need to be put in Naomi's classes. I think your going to be as smart as her."

"Nah, I'm no where near Naomi high. Declan and Jordan are probably smarter than me, and that's saying something."

"Yeah, it is, but trust me, your way smarter than them. Raymond is smarter than them, which is actually saying so much. I didn't even think it was possible to be that dumb." I snorted at Bennetts comment.

"Mr Frazier, are you finished? Stop bothering Miss Blake."

"He just asked me to check his work so I'm giving him tips, miss." I replied.

"Ok, Miss Blake."

"Favourite student." Bennett whispered to me.

"No, I'm not. I'm just the new student."

"That is the new favourite student." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I can have nightmares."

Bennett snorted, choking back a laugh. He's had a complete change in mood since we were with the others. "Should we work on my piece of crap story? Or should we just keep listening to your fabulous music?" Bennett asked after he calmed down.

"Both." I replied.

"Ok." He grabbed his pen and read through it. His poker face came back on, but I could tell he was concentrating.

I stared at his face. His icy blue eyes had softened since he first saw me. They show more emotions now. Bennetts plump lips moved as he read out his work, not making a sound. His bangs covered his face.

The wire from my earphones brought our faces closer. I could feel his body heat radiating of off him. I looked down at his work. My chin was basically on his shoulder as I read it.

I pointed out that he could add something. I got his pen and wrote down some thoughts and feelings, discussing it with him.

I wrote: sometimes my mind suffocated with thoughts I can't get rid off. The ones I dread the most. I want to rip my hair out, even if they are just small thoughts because I know they will grow and grow until I burst, until tears will stream down my face. Until I am brought into doing things I hate. It's these thoughts that hurt more than the actual bullying, which means it hurts a lot. It hurts a lot more than broken bones, bruises, scars, because these bring mental things, not physical. Physical things always heal, well most of the time. Mental things, they can sometimes heal, but take longer.

"Now, that's what you have to do to get people to actually feel the character. It's how they feel certain things. Like happiness, for example, you would say my heart jumped with joy. I felt like running around the (place where your at) and shout about how happy this has made me! So, you need to use language that makes the readers feel the same emotions as the characters your writing about."

He nodded his head in understanding. He started to write. Bennett stopped writing and showed me what he had written. "Well done." I said.

"Ok, class. Off you go. Leave your work on your tables."

Me and Bennett stood up and made our way to our next lesson, biology.

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