Until it suddenly went to complete and utter shit.

In a sudden flash of the console, the lights went out and the green lion buckled as if hit by some unknown force, floating just close enough to get drug into a nearby planet's gravitational pull, the sensation of falling hitting her stomach in a rush as Green's console lit up red, bright signals all meaning the same as she fought to get Green to respond and nothing would work-

Losing control of the ship was not in her schedule for today.

Neither was attempting to land an unresponsive lion.

Or the fact that they were dressed in their street clothes and had no way of protecting themselves from possibly cruel planet natives if things got hairy.

And oh they were already very hairy.

Small fingers tightened over the green lion's controls as she plummeted for the planet's surface: a large sphere nearly two times the size of Earth. Some looming sheet of grey trees growing frighteningly closer with every passing second her lion failed to respond barreling through the atmosphere with absolutely nothing to break their fall but one big plane of trees coming up fast.

Really fast.

"Come on, Pidge now isn't the time for one of your technical stunts!" She could hear Lance shouting by her ear over the sound of whining alarms blasting from the dashboard, all of the red lights blaring enough to give her a headache. A quick shoot over her shoulder giving her view of a very pale Lance, mocha fingers gripping her seat, knuckles white, blue eyes blown wide staring straight ahead as the looming doom, feet bracing against the floor, unable to do anything much but hold on for dear life because she wasn't in control.

"I promise it isn't!" She shouted more growl in her voice than she intended, more focused on attempting to again pull back on the controls feet bracing on the pedals, cursing the lion to just move, please-

"Come on. Dammit, girl, come on."

Green was still unresponsive.

Pidge cursed louder.

Even Lance was too scared stiff to scold her for language.

In a sudden split second of self-induced silence. They hit. The green lion flying head over heels into the cacophony of screeching metal and breaking branches, they barreled straight into the great wall of forest with absolutely no remorse.

The screen- her eyes went black, pixels dancing across the display with a screech that was cut short, swallowed up by the sound of them crashing through the terrain completely blind.

No, no, no, no.

This could not be happening, not on her watch.

The viewing screen going blank, Pidge was forced to somehow steer blind and hope and pray they didn't hit anything major.

They- they had to get out of this alive, dang it, something- someone took her by surprise and she sure as hell wasn't about to die in a crash for it.

Or else-

Or else she didn't know what she'd do.

She didn't know what Lance would do.

Because judging by how much the Cuban was suddenly bouncing around the cockpit from the pure and massive force of hitting the planet's surface, in no way buckled down like she was, he was going to need medical attention of some kind before this was all over.

God, she- she hoped she could help.

A few seconds more of the earsplitting sound of screeching metal on metal and a few very loud body thumps later, they came to a standstill almost just as fast as they started, hitting up against something. Hard.

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